The Spring 2021 marked the second time I had to teach Econ 480-3 and Econ 481-3 remotely over zoom. While teaching remotely has several drawbacks, one benefit that most students seem to enjoy is the possibility to review the lecture material by re-watching the recordings. This possibility is not available in regular quarters where the teaching format I use involves me writing on a whiteboard. I therefore decided to edit the recordings I had from Zoom lectures and make them available to future generations of students. The videos were recorded while the class was being taught synchronously over Zoom, but any type of student participation (video or audio) was edited out. As a result of the editing, the lectures are shorter than a live lecture and some parts may involve unnatural transitions. The purpose of these recordings is to provide additional resources to students taking Econ 480-3 and Econ 481-3 in future years, but the material here is public and free to use for other students at Northwestern or elsewhere at their own risk. The slides, lectures notes, and videos may be printed and reproduced for individual or instructional use, but may not be used for any type of commercial purposes. Hope that at least some of you find this material useful.