In collaboration with Federico Bugni, Azeem Shaikh, and Max Tabord-Meehan, we have released a new paper that considers the problem of inference in cluster randomized experiments when cluster sizes are non-ignorable. Here, by a cluster randomized experiment, we mean one in which treatment is assigned at the level of the cluster; by non-ignorable cluster sizes we mean that “large” clusters and “small” clusters may be heterogeneous, and, in particular, the effects of the treatment may vary across clusters of differing sizes.
In order to permit this sort of flexibility, we consider a sampling framework in which cluster sizes themselves are random. In this way, our analysis departs from earlier analyses of cluster randomized experiments in which cluster sizes are treated as non-random. We distinguish between two different parameters of interest: the equally-weighted cluster-level average treatment effect, and the size- weighted cluster-level average treatment effect. For each parameter, we provide methods for inference in an asymptotic framework where the number of clusters tends to infinity and treatment is assigned using a covariate-adaptive stratified randomization procedure. We additionally permit the experimenter to sample only a subset of the units within each cluster rather than the entire cluster and demonstrate the implications of such sampling for some commonly used estimators. A small simulation study and empirical demonstration show the practical relevance of our theoretical results. You can download the paper here.