12/2011, Ph.D. in Physics, Technical University of Munich, Germany
08/2007, MSc in Physics, Koç University, Turkey
06/2005, BSc in Engineering Physics, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Training and Experience
01/2017- Postdoctoral Fellow with Monica Olvera de la Cruz and John F. Marko, Northwestern University
01/2015- Researcher at the Center for Computation and Theory of Soft Matter (CCCTS), Northwestern U.
01/2014 – 07/2016 Postdoctoral Fellow with Monica Olvera de la Cruz, Material Sci. & Eng., Northwestern U.
11-12/2016 Visiting scholar, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
07/2014 – 07/2016 Researcher at the Center for Bio-inspired Energy Systems (CBES), Northwestern U.
12/2011-01/2014 Postdoctoral Fellow with Michael Rubinstein, Chemistry, UNC at Chapel Hill
07/2007-12/2011 Ph.D. student with Roland R. Netz, Physics Dept., Technical University of Munich, Germany
07/2007-12/011, Research and teaching assistant, Physics Dept., Technical University of Munich, Germany
09/2005-07/2007 Master student with A. Nihat Berker, Physics Dept., Koç University, Turkey (full scholarship)
09/2005-07/2007 Research and teaching assistant, Physics Department, Koç University, Turkey
09/2000-06/2005 Batchelor student, Engineering Physics, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey (including one-year English prep class)
09/2002-06/2004 Junior teaching assistant, Engineering Physics, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey