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Events: 2022-2023

Our RTG events (summer thematic schools, research workshops, research training experiences for undergraduates, etc) cover a wide range of dynamical fields and aim to increase participation in dynamics research and education at every level. The Dynamics Seminar is predominently funded by the RTG grant- Dynamics: Classical, Modern, and Quantum.
2023 Summer School and REU

2023 Summer School and REU

Summer School 2023 on Dynamical Systems took place June 20–June 30, 2023 on the Evanston campus of Northwestern University. It featured preparatory courses (including courses appropriate for advanced undergraduates) as well as advanced courses.  Mini-courses were presented by Alena Erchenko, Mikolaj Fraczyk, Nicholas Miller, Amir Mohammadi, Kurt Vinhage, and Daren Wei. The Summer School 2023 organizers were Nir Avni, Aaron Brown, Osama Khalil, Bryna Kra, and Homin Lee. It was funded primarily through the following NSF grants: DMS-2136217 (RTG: Dynamics: Classical, Modern, and Quantum) and DMS-2020013 (CAREER: Rigidity of Group Actions on Manifolds). Additionally funding was provided by Northwestern University’s Department of Mathematics. REU Summer 2023 took place June 20–Aug 11, 2023 on the Northwestern University’s Evanston campus. Mentors for the summer 2023 REU included NU Mathematics faculty members Nir Avni, Aaron Brown, Keith Burns, Solly Coles, Tsachik Gelander, Aaron Peterson, Jeff Xia. This program was made possible by the National Science Foundation and was funded by the RTG Dynamics: Classical, Modern, and Quantum.
May Midwestern Microlocal Meeting 2023

MMMM 2023

This was the first post-pandemic installment of a (usually) biennial meeting on microlocal analysis and quantum dynamics.  The meeting was be partly supported by Northwestern’s NSF RTG in Dynamics. MMMM 2023 was held May 20-21, 2023.  Its organizers were Kiril Datchev (Purdue University), Antônio Sá Barreto (Purdue University), David Sher (DePaul University), and Jared Wunsch (Northwestern University).
Chicago Action Now 2023

Chicago Action Now 2023

The UIC chapter of Dynamics ran a Chicago Action Now rotating seminar (Groups and Dynamics Day) on April 1, 2023 at UIC. Speakers included Miklos Abert (Renyi Institute), Kaitlyn Loyd (Northwestern University), Mikolaj Fraczyk (University of Chicago), Alena Erchenko (University of Chicago), and Barak Weiss (Tel Aviv University).
Undergraduate Colloquium 2022

NU Mathematics faculty member, Prof. Bryna Kra, presented her talk, “The Legacy of Erdős: Dynamics of Numbers” on Oct. 27, 2022.

Abstract for Bryna Kra's talk

Paul Erdős wrote almost 1500 papers with hundreds of collaborators and one measure of his influence is captured by the Erdős number capturing collaborations among mathematicians.  He was well known for posing problems in combinatorics and number theory, offering monetary prizes for the solution of many questions.  Some of these conjectures have had great influence in dynamcial systems, creating connections with seemingly unrelated fields.  This talk will cover those developments on uncovering hidden structures in large sets of integers, including the solution to some conjectures of Erdős this year and some problems that are still left open.
Dynamics Day 2022

Dynamics Day 2022

This Dynamics Day mini-conference was hosted via Zoom on October, 11 2022. Presenters were Van Cyr, Osama Khalil, Solly Coles, and Yanglong Hao.