Early Childhood Research Alliance of Chicago
The mission of Early Childhood Research Alliance of Chicago (EC-REACH) is to unite diverse partners across sectors, agencies, and institutions to co-construct and conduct action-oriented research that promotes equitable solutions for early childhood policy and practice in Chicago.
EC-REACH is hosted by the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University under the leadership of co-faculty directors Terri Sabol and Diane Schanzenbach, senior advisor and advisory board chair John Easton, and executive director Maia Connors. We work in close collaboration with the Chicago Early Childhood Integrated Data System (CECIDS) team at Northern Illinois University’s Center for Early Learning Funding Equity.
Learn more at ecreach.org.
Northwestern Two-Generation Research Initiative (NU2GEN)
The Northwestern Two-Generation Research Initiative promotes, scales, and studies two-generational, or family-centered, education investments to advance economic mobility of families. Policy evaluation expert Teresa Eckrich Sommer and developmental psychologist Lauren Tighe co-lead NU2Gen. Their initiative began over a decade ago with founding director P. Lindsay Chase-Lansdale and has influenced program and policy design across the nation to advance family well-being and prosperity for parents and their young children.
Learn more at https://sites.northwestern.edu/nu2gen/.