Graphics and Vision
Instructor: Prof. Jack Tumblin
Monday: computer graphics (computers make patterns of light we can ‘see’).
Wednesday: computer vision (computer ‘see’ patterns of light we can make).
Discussion Questions:
- What is umwelt?
- What is the relationship between umwelt and computer graphics?
- What is the different between depiction and photo-realistic rendering?
- What, exactly, is a picture? What distinguishes a rectangular picture from a non-picture arrangement of colors within a rectangle? What are its visually-essential components?
- Are there kinds of depiction that don’t fit within Durand’s formalizations? Find some examples and share them on Piazza.
- Compare picture making with and without a computer? What are the differences in tools? What is missing (or overly clumsy among current computer-assisted picture-making tools?
- Can you see anything that your digital camera cannot?
- High-quality, easily-searched online e-books, magazines, and images have decimated library attendance, but not museum attendance. Why not? Why does a visit reveal so much more than online photos?
- How is computer graphics enabling us to see things that are unseeable?
- Compare the ways displaying computer graphics by (a) a computer screen, (b) hololens, (c) Google Cardboard.
- What makes computer vision really hard?
- How is Li’s approach to computer vision different from the approach of the research that preceded her work?
- What are some useful technologies that computer vision enables?
- How will computer vision enable humans to be better at things?
- How does Word Lens work?
Readings and Media:
- Can we create new Senses for Humans?, David Eagleman, TED Talk, March 2015.
- [Sections 1-4] An Invitation to Discuss Computer Depiction, Fredo Durand, Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, 2002.
- Animations of Unseeable Biology, Drew Berry, TED Talk, January 2012.
- NASA to use Holographic glasses on space station, Sharon Gaudin, ComputerWorld, June 2015.
- Google Cardboard’s New York Times Experiment Just Hooked a Generation on VR, Marcus Wohlsen, WIRED November 2015.
- How we teach Computers to Understand Pictures, Fei-Fei Li, TED Talk, March 2015.
- [website] LeafSnap: An Electronic Field Guide.
- Digital Field Guides Eliminate the Guesswork, Anne Eisenberg, New York Times, May 2009.
- How Google Translate Makes Signs Instantly Readable, Nat and Lo’s 20 Percent Project, July 2015.