Scott’s Heartwarming Experience at WorldChicago

Name: Scott Year: Senior Major: Linguistics CFS Program: Field Studies in Civic Engagement My CFS experience has expanded my understanding of what work can be and the good I can do from being in the right career. I have spent the past month and a half at WorldChicago, a non-profit which organizes Department of State…

Tomás Dedicates His Time to Help Others at Heartland Alliance

Name: Tomás Year: Senior Major: Psychology Minor: Global Health Studies CFS Program: Field Studies in Public Health I have dedicated most of my experiences as an undergraduate to prepare for a career in public health. While most of it has been focused on health research and intervention development, I have always wanted to work at…

Victor Makes an Environmental Impact

Name: Victor Year: Junior Major: Economics, Environmental Science CFS Program: Field Studies in Environment, Science, and Sustainability My Chicago Field Studies (CFS) experience has been a very impactful, rewarding journey. Often under-emphasized, being able to engage in an internship related to my academic studies has been enormously helpful in figuring out my future career goals….

Mohan Takes on “Big Data” at NUTORC

Name: Mohan Year: Senior Major: Economics CFS Program: Field Studies in Public Health This spring I’m working under the Northwestern Transplant Outcomes Research Center (NUTORC), a research wing under the Comprehensive Transplant Center at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. My work deals with using relatively new machine learning methods to understand why a certain cohort of end…

Jonathan at Wind Point Partners

Name: Jonathan Year: Sophomore Major: Economics Minor: Mathematics CFS Program: Business Field Studies CFS has really made this quarter my most memorable quarter at Northwestern so far. I don’t mean I get to slack off or chill – it is actually quite the reverse. The dynamics of the program make me excited and eager to…

Harmony Takes Care of Our Community

Name: Harmony Year: Junior Major: Anthropology Minor: Global Health CFS Program: Field Studies in Public Health The Northwestern Medicine External Affairs Department strives to ensure that the needs of the patients, staff, and neighbors at Northwestern Memorial Hospital are understood and served by building relationships with community leaders, elected officials, neighbors and employees outside a…

Angela at the Chicago Bar Foundation

Name: Angela Year: Junior Major: Political Science, Legal Studies CFS Program: Legal Field Studies I am lucky to be interning at the Chicago Bar Foundation this quarter. My internship has been incredibly rewarding, and I am barely half way done with the quarter. At the CBF office, I assist various staff members with tasks and…

Rachael Enjoys Both of her Passions

Name: Rachael Year: Junior Major: Mathematics, Environmental Science CFS Program: Field Studies in Environment, Science, and Sustainability As a child I hated sitting still and staying inside all day, but as I grew up I thought being stuck inside for work would be inevitable. However, interning at the Chicago Botanic Garden has helped me see…

Alexandra Finishes Her Time at Northwestern with CFS

Name: Alexandra Year: Senior Major: Psychology, Sociology CFS Program: Field Studies in the Humanities Chicago Field Studies has been such a great experience so far and was a really good choice of how to spend my senior spring quarter. CFS has especially prepared me for life in the real world; it has helped me learn…

Sven at Mercy Hospital: Combining Medicine and Technology

Name: Sven Year: Senior Major: Biological Sciences CFS Program: Field Studies in Public Health This spring quarter, I have been working as an intern at the Mercy Hospital in South Side Chicago. I’ve learned a lot about the integration of technology with medical practice. My current project is to compose a directory of phone apps…

Kaylee Continues Her Journey at Intuit

Name: Kaylee Year: Senior Major: Art History CFS Program: Field Studies in Social Justice As this is my second blog post, I thought I could comment about how my internship has grown over the past three months since my last post. As a refresher, I’ve been at Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art…

Claudia Explores the World of Law

Name: Claudia Year: Junior Major: Communication Studies CFS Program: Legal Field Studies This quarter I am interning at a small civil rights law office called The Blake Horwitz Law Firm. Despite having spent less than two weeks at the internship so far, I have already become fully immersed in the work the firm is doing….