Victor’s Learning Experience

Name: Victor Year: Junior Major(s): Economics Minor(s): International Studies, Business Institutions Program CFS Concentration: Business Field Studies My name is Victor, I am a junior currently interning at Nielsen Perishable Groups. While this isn’t the first internship I’ve had, it has certainly been one of the most rewarding experiences I have had in the workplace…

Jordan Shares What He Gained From CFS

Name: Jordan Year: Senior Major/Minor(s): Political Science/BIP, IMC CFS Class: Field Studies in the Modern Workplace The Chicago Field Studies program was one of the most rewarding experiences during my time at Northwestern. Through the program, I acquired an assortment of skills, which will prove to be invaluable as I enter the workforce upon graduating….

Featured Alum: Kaasha Benjamin

Name: Kaasha Benjamin CFS Concentration & Year: Legal Field Studies- Spring 2012 Internship: John Howard Association- DOJJ intern Major /Minor: Political Science/Business Institutions Graduation Year: 2012 Current Position: School: University of Pittsburgh School of Law- 3rd yr. law student Job: Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh- Legal Intern Describe your CFS internship and how it…

Sherry Describes Her First Day With Tom, Dick & Harry Creative

Name: Sherry Year: Sophomore Major/Minor(s): Cognitive Science/BIP, IMC CFS Concentration: Field Studies in the Modern Workplace I stepped into the office, still groggy from transitioning between a collegiate sleep schedule to a working sleep schedule. On a typical college night, I may go to bed at 4 AM and wake up at 11 AM (pretty…

Victoria On Her Experience With CFS

Name: Victoria Year: Junior Major/Minor(s): Psychology/BIP, International Studies CFS Concentration: Field Studies in the Modern Workplace When I enter a classroom, I am eager to learn not only the content of what my professor has to share, but also the method of teaching and sharing he or she chooses to use. I think the classroom…

Featured Alum: Rozmin Ajanee

Name: Rozmin Ajanee CFS Concentration & Year: Business Field Studies (2009) Internship: JP Morgan Major/Minor(s): Communication Studies/ BIP, Political Science Graduation Year: 2011 Current Position: Private Equity Associate – Sterling Partners Describe your CFS internship and how it helped you either in interviews, job opportunities or graduate school applications? My CFS internship played a significant…

Featured Alum: Evan Bakker

Name: Evan Bakker CFS Concentration & Year: BFS, Winter 2013 Internship: LiquidThread Major /Minor: Philosophy/BIP Graduation Year: 2013   Current Position: Research Associate at Corporate Insight      in NY Describe your CFS internship and how it helped you either in interviews, job opportunities or graduate school applications? I was an intern in the brand and entertainment…

Neelam Shares Her Enlightening Experiences at Yellow Tractor

Name: Neelam Year: Senior Major: Economics Minor: Global Health and BIP CFS Program: Field Studies in Social Justice As a student studying public health, I am constantly reminded that the state of health in America is anything but acceptable. For too long, the United States health care system has focused on treating people after they…

Featured Alum: Hina Mahmood

Name: Hina Mahmood CFS Concentration & Year: BFS, Summer 2010  Internship: Goldman Sachs Major /Minor: Economics/BIP Graduation Year: 2012 Current Position: Brand Specialist at Amazon   Describe your CFS internship and how it helped you either in interviews, job opportunities or graduate school applications? My CFS internship showed me what I did and didn’t want to do in…

Samantha on Week 9 of her Fall 2013 Internship

Name: Samantha Senior Major: English Literature Minor: BIP CFS Program: Field Studies in Humanities I cannot even begin to describe how incredible my internship and field studies experience has been. I am so grateful to have had this experience during the fall quarter of my senior year; I’ve learned lessons and gained knowledge about the…