Year: Sophomore
Major/Minor: Economics/Psychology
CFS Concentration: Business Field Studies
My internship at HBR Consulting has been one of the most influential learning experiences in my life so far. As my first real job in corporate America, this analyst internship position has provided me with much opportunity to learn and develop multiple aspects of my analyzing, business, and interpersonal abilities. With a great group of employees and a supervisor always willing to provide support and guidance, I have had some great experience gaining important and valuable skills, specifically with analyzing data. I created my own business case manipulating and analyzing data through excel and reflected my findings through formatted tables expressed through a professional powerpoint slideshow. One of the most exciting aspects about these types of projects is that I could see my work actually being used and presented to real life clients involving real life suppliers. Along with the many business skills I learned, I was also given many opportunities to network throughout the company. HBR’s internship program was great in the sense that they encouraged many of the employees to reach out to the interns for coffee chats discussing our thoughts on the current experience, concerns or questions, and ideas on what’s next to come. These coffee chats are a great reflection of the friendliness of HBR’s corporate culture. The atmosphere is very welcoming, but work is always the priority. This work hard, play hard environment has been a great place for me to grow and develop as an individual interested in the corporate world.