Daniel Reflects on the Value of the CFS Class Component


Daniel CheruiyotName: Daniel


Major: Economics

CFS Concentration: Business Field Studies

Chicago Field Studies’ main aim is educating students in the field, but surprisingly a bulk of the workplace insight comes from within our weekly Monday classes. I, for one, joined the CFS program this quarter due to the allure of learning in a fast paced environment and gaining mentorship from industry pioneers. However, I soon came to see how integral the weekly classes would also be in preparing students for the modern workplace.

Firstly, I have been able to explore topics that most full-time workers (and us job seekers) face but do not really discuss. I have had the chance to engage with peers on issues such as the role of workspaces in stimulating productivity, the significance of passion versus skill when choosing careers, the transformation of corporate culture, and the controversial debate over paid and unpaid internships.

Furthermore, I have learned valuable career building skills and practical work skills from seasoned guest speakers. The speakers’ firsthand accounts have helped to open up my eyes to the different circumstances that actually play out while working in the corporate world. The guests’ stories also serve as motivation to me and my peers for we now see what we can accomplish and where we can explore.

Lastly, our class field trip to the Groupon office in downtown Chicago gave us a nice chance to challenge the concepts we had learned in class by comparing and contrasting them in a diverse setting. I was able to interact with people who are changing the business landscape of the Midwest and I was privileged to get a sneak peak of one of Chicago’s entrepreneurial engine.

The Field Studies experience has been a great revelation to me and I encourage more students to participate in it and to challenge themselves. I only wish that it wasn’t ending so soon.