Honing Adaptability and Time Management


Name: Piers Braunrot
Year: Senior
Major: Statistics
CFS Class: Business Field Studies
Employer: Accelerated Growth Advisors

My experience interning at Accelerated Growth this past spring far surpassed my expectations. I had a great time getting to know the team members across the Financial Transformation division, and I really enjoyed the company culture, balanced between relaxed demeanor, informal conversation, and dedication to getting work done and meeting deadlines. Throughout my internship I was given several very exciting projects, ranging from analyzing client data to find areas of profitability and inefficiency, to strategic big-picture projects, like reviewing interviewing trends and discovering ways to improve hiring processes. I was impressed by how much responsibility I was given in these roles, and that I was trusted with important internal information. I had the opportunity to make a valuable contribution to upper-level business decisions, as well as getting to work on developing advanced Excel skills and contributing to client deliverables.

AG helped me learn how to be a jack of all trades so to speak, by constantly placing me with new teams and on new projects. I found the most exciting, and challenging, aspect of this internship was the rapid-fire nature of switching between projects. There was always something new to work on, and new sets of deadlines to navigate. I gained valuable skills in learning how to communicate my progress, update team members across projects on availability and obligations, and set realistic and achievable timelines for myself. Sometimes this meant saying I did not have room for another task at that moment, which I initially found uncomfortable, but I learned how this actually benefited the team by not setting a project up for failure. Being able to adapt to new situations, and to clearly express one’s capacities, are important traits that are necessary to succeed in a fast-paced role, and I greatly value the chance I had to hone these skills.