Learning throughout Coffee Chats

Name: Lena Fulkerson Year: Senior Major: Economics Minor: Environmental Policy and Culture CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: HBR Consulting When I began my CFS internship experience at HBR, I was a bit nervous and overwhelmed at all the new information and people I was meeting. I was unsure of what kind of internship experience…

Reevaluating and Gaining New Experience Through CFS

Name: Kyle Burnett Year: Senior Major: Economics and Political Science CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: UBS Going into the spring quarter, I believed myself to be headed on a different career path, as I had begun preparations to pursue a law degree. Fortunately, however, CFS provided me with an opportunity to reevaluate and work…

Intellectual Curiosity in Finance

Name: Josh Esmailzadeh Year: Sophomore Major: MMSS and Economics Minor: Statistics CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: Shore Capital Partners Over the spring quarter of 2021, I worked as a Private Equity Intern at Shore Capital Partners, a lower middle market private equity firm focused in healthcare, food & beverage, business services, and real estate….

Valuable Lessons in Sales and Marketing

Name: Julia Smith Year: Junior Major: Economics Minor: Legal Studies CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: Expansive Workplace For my Spring 2021 CFS internship I worked as a marketing and sales intern for a coworking company, Expansive Workspace (formally Novel Coworking). As a junior applying to CFS, I did not know what career I wanted…

Preparing for Life Post-College

Name: Cleon Beckford Year: Senior Major: Social Policy Minor: Economics CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: HawkPartners The time I had in CFS during Spring Quarter was an incredibly enriching experience for me for a variety of reasons. Not only was I gaining professional experience and simulating a schedule that will be very similar to…

Venture Capital Up Close

Name: Kaan Kermen Year: Sophomore Major: Economics & Statistics CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: Safestamp During the spring of 2021, I interned at Safestamp, a nanotech startup committed to solving global counterfeiting. As someone who has been fascinated with entrepreneurship since high school, this was one of the most rewarding experiences I could ask…

Learning Through Experience

Name: Anthony Ciraci Year: Senior Major: Political Science Minor: Economics CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair Courts During the Spring Quarter of 2021, I interned at the Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair Courts for my CFS experience. The internship offered a valuable look into the criminal justice system and public…

Learning Unexpected Lessons

Name: Andrew Obstler Year: Junior Major: Economics Minor: Spanish CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: Packed with Purpose In Spring 2021, I had the opportunity to work as a Business Operations intern for a small start-up called Packed with Purpose. Packed with Purpose provides gift baskets both directly to the consumer as well as custom…

Honing Adaptability and Time Management

Name: Piers Braunrot Year: Senior Major: Statistics CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: Accelerated Growth Advisors My experience interning at Accelerated Growth this past spring far surpassed my expectations. I had a great time getting to know the team members across the Financial Transformation division, and I really enjoyed the company culture, balanced between relaxed…

Learning to Ask the Right Questions

Name: Cristobal Palacios Year: Junior Major: Economics Minor: Business Institutions CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: AVIA For my Spring 2021 CFS internship, I worked at AVIA, a medical consulting startup based out of Chicago. I had previous experience in the medical consulting industry and wanted to further my interests in this field. At AVIA,…

The Versatility of a Strong Network

Name: Mike Palaskas Year: Sophomore Major: Economics & History Minor: Business Institutions CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: CDI Global Going into the CFS program this past winter, I knew I wanted to find an internship that gave me an opportunity to work in both a financial and consulting capacity, while establishing strong connections in…

Above All, Flexibility

Name: Griffin Lane Year: Junior Major: Economics Minor: Business Institutions CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: HBR Consulting If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s the importance of flexibility. Working in an entirely remote environment is an experience that I will not soon forget, and this in conjunction with the CFS program further helped demonstrate…