Moonshot or Minitest?


Name: Chloe Lee
Year: Sophomore
Major: Economics
Minor: Business Institutions
CFS Class: Business Field Studies
Employer: Shore Capital Partners

I interned at Shore Capital Partners as part of my CFS experience. During the internship, despite it being entirely virtual, I was able to contribute meaningfully to live deals and existing portfolio projects through taking various tasks, including researching the MedTech industry, joining conference calls on relevant industry updates, summarizing precedent transactions data and cataloguing outpatient health clinics in Pennsylvania. Even at times when the work was more administrative and mundane, the professionals at Shore Capital Partners made sure to explain how our work would fit under the larger investment thesis, and having a sense of direction and purpose like this really helped me to become more motivated and genuinely enjoy the work. I view this internship experience as one of my minitests – a concept introduced by Natasha Karol during her lecture that describes the smaller tasks we can do to test whether we are really passionate about our “moonshot”, or an ultimate life goal we have. For me, my moonshot is starting my own business in future, and getting this hands-on experience in the private equity space and reflecting on how much I enjoy it really helped me test my passion and fit for business.

Through this experience, I was also able to grasp how important communication is, especially during a virtual environment. With my supervisor and other professionals constantly checking in, I always felt like I was kept in the loop and important to the firm – which I truly appreciate. On my end, I always made sure to ask questions when needed and communicate any issues as early as possible, which helped minimize last minute problems and in turn improve the quality of my work.

Overall, my CFS experience at Shore Capital Partners helped me to not only improve my hard technical skills and industry knowledge but also further develop and refine my soft communication skills. In future, I hope that more students have the opportunity to participate in such an eye-opening experience.