Accessing Resources and Building Skills

Name: Taiche Jones
Year: Senior
Major: Psychology
CFS Class: Business Field Studies
Employer: Center for Comparative Medicine

I have been employed at the Center for Comparative Medicine at Northwestern University (NU) for 12-years, and I am also a student attending the School for Professional Studies. I am a forty-four-year-old pursuing a degree in Psychology. Participating in the Chicago Field Studies (CFS) Program has been an informative experience. Listening to guest speakers sharing wisdom and details of their work experiences has been my favorite part of the course. Participating in assignments presented by fellow students has also been a high point of the course, as we had the opportunities to speak in small groups.
I participated in this internship program because I needed to improve my employment-seeking skills. I am very happy in my current career, but recently felt the urge to test the job market. Before taking this CFS course, I was not aware of the various resources available for networking and linking with employers, employees, and people writing about their experiences and opportunities. I was also enlightened by how more and more forward-thinking industry leaders are considering the health of the environment, employees, and communities.
This course has been the best class that I have taken since I have been a student at NU. I appreciate the flexibility, courtesy, and respect of the students, my professor, and the administrative staff. The Northwestern family has been a champion coming together during these difficult times, and the members of the CFS program have been equally exceptional. I am a better professional because of the CFS Program, and I would recommend it to any student who is able to participate.