The Value of Workplace Interactions

Name: John Blumenthal

Year: Junior

Major: Economics and Political Science

CFS Class: Business Field Studies

Employer: Shore Capital Partners

As a result of COVID-19, I decided to use the 2020 fall quarter to obtain work experience instead of take online classes. My interview process was long, but I ended up accepting an offer from Shore Capital Partners to work in person in their Chicago office. Getting to intern in person in downtown Chicago has been a really valuable experience. Even though it forces me to wake up earlier and get home later, I’ve loved commuting to and from the city. Shore has an office right along the Chicago River and it’s been really cool to look out the window and see downtown Chicago sprawled out in front of me. Additionally, I’ve been able to get a feel for how the workplace functions and an understanding of what my role is within the workplace. It’s been great to get to see how the older analysts do their work and how they interact with others, as I hope that I will be in a similar position soon and want to be able to bring that experience with me. As a result of working in person, I’ve been able to network and make real connections with my coworkers. I’ve also been able to ask questions whenever they arise and get immediate answers, which has made me more confident in the work I produce. Interning in person during these tumultuous times has been a really unique experience and one that I know will be very helpful as I begin my career.