The Power of Communication

Name: Max Flinchum

Year: Senior

Major: Economics

Minor: Business Institutions

CFS Class: Business Field Studies

Employer: Piper Sandler

As a senior in the CFS program, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time working for Piper Sandler, specifically within the Healthcare group. The number one thing I was looking for in an internship this fall was technical skills. Although I am an upperclassmen, the liberal arts education is not generous in the development of accounting and financial analysis skills, so that is what I sought. Fortunately, that is exactly what I have seen in this program. From day one, I was tossed onto several running deals the team had. From restructurings to acquisitions, I was drinking from the firehose, learning a ridiculous amount of information quickly. Although I have not been able to go into the office this quarter, the camaraderie among the analysts and associates is incredibly genuine and has helped me develop some really meaningful connections with those around. In the face of a global health pandemic, I have been able to develop great contacts through amazing conversations on the phone or through zoom, each of which have been powered by the innovative transactions that Piper Sandler has won from clients. Overall, this experience continues to show me the power of communication and, more specifically, how it is becoming more and more necessary to develop fine communication skills given our ever-changing world.