Quantifying Social Change with Mission Measurement

Name: Abhijat Shekhawat

Year: Senior

Majors: Economics

Minors: Business Institutions

CFS Program: Field Studies in the Humanities

Employer: Mission Measurement

This winter, I had the unique opportunity to intern at Mission Measurement, the world’s first evidence-based social impact measurement & consulting firm. An early stage start up, the company is already a leader in the social sector data and provides valuable insights to America’s corporate, government and nonprofit organizations who invest over $6.3 trillion into programs that aim to support causes that include, but are not limited to, poverty, climate change, hunger and more. For the first time, the company is helping these organizations to measure the extent of their impact in a bid to revolutionize the way social change is approached.

The knowledge I’ve gained from this internship has been incredibly valuable. From understanding to how an early-stage start works to engaging in building client relationships, I’ve learnt a lot – and I would not have been able to do this without CFS.

As a senior, CFS has always been a program that has been appealing to be for a variety of reasons. From a professional perspective, I have been able to move out of my comfort zone, acquire knowledge in an unknown field and be able to better navigate the workplace in future endeavors. From a personal perspective, I have been able to make connections with classroom learning and actual work experience.

It’s been an amazing experience so far, and I would recommend the program, as well as my internship, to anyone in a heartbeat.