Jonathan at Wind Point Partners

Chor Kiu Jonathan LiuName: Jonathan

Year: Sophomore

Major: Economics

Minor: Mathematics

CFS Program: Business Field Studies

CFS has really made this quarter my most memorable quarter at Northwestern so far. I don’t mean I get to slack off or chill – it is actually quite the reverse. The dynamics of the program make me excited and eager to push myself and achieve the most I can. From the job search process, I quickly realized the competitive nature of getting a job in the financial sector, even within a small pool of fellow CFS classmates. The experience reminded me of the importance to always enhance the skills that I can market myself with when looking for a job—a skill I am continuing to build thanks to the opportunity to participate in CFS.

I am working at Wind Point Partners, a private equity firm in downtown Chicago. As a foreigner this was really exciting and eye-opening for me as the environment was quite unique. I had the opportunity to interact with the associates and other members of the team both casually and professionally, which in both cases taught me a lot about the private equity industry and gave me further insight into the financial sector. But beyond that, I’m very grateful for the hands-on work and experience I acquired, which not only better equipped myself but also hopefully helped the firm’s operations. Very few internships allow the intern to feel that he/she makes a difference but I surely have felt so.

I also appreciate the unique opportunity that the CFS class has allowed me to be in touch with workplace issues that I may not previously have been aware of. I must thank my instructor Raashi for her insight and advice, as well as for her allowing us so much room for discussion on interesting topics including diversity, compensation and evolution of business culture and the modern workplace. Last but not least, as a Northwestern student, I am grateful that CFS has truly allowed me to immerse myself and bond with the Chicagoland area and community, something that I have longed for as part of my undergraduate experience here.