Featured Alum: Joanna Tang

JoannaTang.webName: Joanna Tang

CFS Concentration & Year: Business Field Studies (2010)

Internship: Goldman Sachs Asset Management

Major(s): Political Science and Economics

Graduation Year: 2011

Current Position: Strategy and Sales Operations Manager – Signpost

Describe your CFS internship and how it helped you either in interviews, job opportunities or graduate school applications? My internship at Goldman Sachs helped me develop an understanding of the unique opportunities and challenges in the asset management space, which then helped me secure a second internship in Corporate Strategy at another investment management firm (New York Life Investments).

Did you see it as a future career when you took the internship? While I was open to the idea of having a future career in asset management, I was primarily interested in expanding my professional network and building an analytical skillset.

Please briefly explain what you are doing now. I’m currently working in Strategy and Sales Operations for a rapidly growing New York-based startup called Signpost, which provides simple and effective online marketing software for small businesses.

Is there a link between your CFS experience and what you are doing now? There isn’t a direct link in the sense that I went from an established financial institution to a very early-stage technology startup. However, my internship was critical in launching my career and helping me develop my analytical skillset (which is still relevant in my current role).

What advice do you have for students at NU considering the program? I’d highly recommend participating in the program since young students/professionals should be taking every opportunity to expand their networks. While there are many on-campus events such as career fairs, internships offer the unique opportunity to build deeper, more meaningful relationships.

How can CFS students make the most of their experience? Be assertive about asking for more work if you have the capacity. Meet as many people as you can and learn about what they do, even if they’re not in your immediate team!