Featured Alum: Andy Jones

Jones, Andrew (1) copyName: Andy Jones

CFS Concentration & Year: Field Studies in the Modern Workplace (Fall 2012)

Internship: Goldman Sachs Private Wealth Management

Major /Minor: History/BIP

Graduation Year: 2013

Current Position: Dropbox Rotation Program

Describe your CFS internship and how it helped you either in interviews, job opportunities or graduate school applications?

Going through the interview process for CFS really helped me sharpen my interview skills ahead of full time recruitment. CFS was also a great opportunity to experience what it’s like to work full time. I’d done other internships before, but my CFS internship really gave me a taste of what working life is like.

Did you see it as a future career when you took the internship?

I was definitely interested in working in financial services when I decided to do CFS. CFS is a good way to gain exposure to a career before you leave school. I work for a technology firm now but I really appreciated getting to see what that job would have entailed if I’d decided to pursue it as a career.

Please briefly explain what you are doing now?

I’m currently working on the Strategic Partnerships team at Dropbox while doing the Dropbox Rotation Program. I also work with the Corporate Development team to identify companies for acquisition.

Is there a link between your CFS experience and what you are doing now?

Doing CFS definitely taught me a lot about working, and the experience I gained here has helped me in every interview I’ve had since leaving the program. So while there’s no direct connection in the sense that I’m not working in that industry, I definitely benefited from doing CFS.

What advice do you have for students at NU considering the program?

CFS is a great way to hone your interview skills, gain valuable work experience, and study something interesting. A lot of students focus on the internship part of the program but my Field Studies in the Modern Workplace class was one of the most thought-provoking classes I took at Northwestern. Reading Marx while commuting to and from Goldman on the Metra was quite an experience.

How can CFS students make the most of their experience?

The CFS internship is just like any other experience, it is what you make it. If you throw yourself into the work and the classes you’ll likely have a meaningful experience. I would definitely keep an open mind about what you see and experience while working. The program is a great way to get a feel for what type of work you enjoy before you go out and find a full-time job.