Jin Young Talks About How His Internship at Wind Point Partners Has Reinforced His Career Path


Name: Jin

Year: JuniorJin Choi photo

Major: Economics

Minor: BIP

CFS Program: Business Field Studies

During the summer, I have had the amazing opportunity to work at Wind Point Partners, a well-regarded middle-market private equity firm. Coming from another private equity internship in the spring, I was able to carry over a lot of skills from my previous experience and apply it to various projects at Wind Point. I have had the pleasure of working directly with a VP at the firm as well as different associates given that the firm doesn’t have any analysts helping them out. From it, I was able to jump on various projects across a variety of portfolio companies that each of the professionals work on, such as pet food or insecticide businesses. The experience so far has been engaging, intellectually stimulating and enjoyable at the same time.

However, I feel as if the value in this internship not only comes from the various industries that you get to experience but also from the different relationships that you make over the course of the internship. By talking to people at the firm through lunch or coffee, these conversations have really enabled me to figure out what kind of experience I want after college because everyone at the firm has gone through this before and can provide valuable input in terms of a career in finance. Alongside that, I immediately have a leg up by doing this internship in terms of my recruitment process because have so many connections in different banks from just the referrals I get from the people at Wind Point. Without Chicago Field Studies, I never would have had the opportunity to gain valuable exposure to so many different industries or work experiences so relevant to my intended career path.