Hina on Expanding her Research Skills at the ABA


Name: HinaHinasahar Muneeruddin


Major: Psychology and Middle East Studies

CFS Program: Field Studies in the Modern Workplace

I am currently interning in the Judicial Division at the American Bar Association. At the ABA, I am helping to enhance a diversity database on all the judges in America. It is really interesting to see how much tedious work goes into the creation and accumulation of such information. With the completion of this database, we hope to find meaningful demographic patterns and trends of the judges and justices who preside over our courts and judicial systems.

My internship at the American Bar Association is providing me with valuable research skills for the future, as I ultimately hope to pursue graduate studies in psychological research. In addition, I am learning about a whole new field—law—and such an experience in itself is very rewarding and incomparable!