Meet CFS Alum: Isabella

Name: Isabella
Current Year: Senior
Major: History
CFS Program: Legal Field Studies

The program is a phenomenal opportunity for those trying to decide what they want to do in the future. You are immersed in a professional environment that will give you the exact idea of what it would be like to be a lawyer (for example). Then, at the end of 10 weeks you can reflect on what you’ve learned and who you are…. based on your work experience. I recommend this program to anyone with enough time in their schedule who is uncertain about a career path. Try anything!

I was essentially a free-range case manager. I put cases together from scratch – duties included calling and emailing clients, meeting with clients and taking statements, writing statements for clients (affidavits), compiling necessary documents, filling out forms, research on country conditions etc. I most enjoyed the interpersonal connections i was able to make with clients. Immigration law is quite personal – I know a lot about a lot of people! It was inspirational to hear people’s stories and it was great to be able to help people as well. Some of the saddest cases were the most rewarding to work on – never forget the human element!

My internship helped me learn about the legal profession. I had fairly broad questions about the field and limited knowledge, so I absorbed everything from the way the work to the way they interacted with each other.

The Chicago Field Studies program was a phenomenal experience which both challenged me intellectually and fortified me professionally – I learned what type of worker I was and grew as a young professional, while getting a real-life idea of what legal culture ACTUALLY entails!