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News & Events 2021-2022

Causeway Celebrates Its First Cohort

Causeway Celebrates Its First Cohort

Causeway celebrated the completion of a challenging year by its first cohort with a lunch and awards ceremony on Friday, June 10. Congratulations Angel, Benjamin, Ally, Nico, Kayla, and Edgar!

Causeway Celebrates Graduate School Admissions

Causeway Celebrates Graduate School Admissions

Our cohort celebrated Ally Nagasawa-Hinck’s admission to the Ph.D. program in mathematics at the University of Arizona with dinner at Uvae Kitchen and Wine Bar in Chicago.

Tony Várilly-Alvarado Visits Causeway

Tony Várilly-Alvarado Visits Causeway

Professor Tony Várilly-Alvarado of Rice University visited Causeway on Monday, May 2, to explain how to use algebraic surfaces to both reinterpret constructions of optimal codes already found in the literature, and to find new locally recoverable codes.

John Urschel Visits Causeway

John Urschel Visits Causeway

On August 10, John Urschel spent the day with our Causeway students discussing his research in spectral graph theory, numerical linear algebra, and machine learning as well as his experiences earning bachelors and masters degrees in mathematics at Penn State, playing professional football for the Baltimore Ravens, and earning a doctoral degree in mathematics at MIT. Thanks, John!