These ratings describe how children and adolescents are doing in their various environments or life domains. The domains were identified from the children’s research literature on wraparound philosophy. Functioning well in all life domains is the goal of a lifetime developmental framework.
For Life Functioning Domains, the following categories and action levels are used:
0 | indicates a life domain in which the child is excelling. This is an area of considerable strength.
1 | indicates a life domain in which the child is doing OK. This is an area of potential strength.
2 | indicates a life domain in which the child is having problems. Help is needed to improve functioning
into an area of strength.
3 | indicates a life domain in which the child is having significant problems. Intensive help is needed to
improve functioning into an area of strength.
NU Quick Tip
Pay attention to the descriptions of each item in the manual – a couple of these are tricky!
31. Family
Family ideally should be defined by the child; however, in the absence of this knowledge consider biological and adoptive relatives and their significant others with whom the child has contact as the definition of family. Foster families should only be considered if they have made a significant commitment to the child. Is the family (as defined by the child) functioning well together?
0 | Child gets along well with family members.
1 | Child is doing adequately in relationships with family members although some problems may exist. For example, some family members may have some problems in their relationships with child.
2 | Child is having moderate problems with parents, siblings and/or other family members. Frequent arguing, difficulties in maintaining any positive relationship may be observed.
3 | Child is having severe problems with parents, siblings, and/or other family members. This would include problems of domestic violence, constant arguing, etc.
This item rates how the child is getting along with family members. Are the relationships positive or is there domestic violence and/or frequent arguments between the child and their family?
32. Living Situation
This item refers to how the child is functioning in his/her current living arrangement, which could be with a relative, in a temporary foster home, shelter, etc.
0 | Child is functioning well in his/her current living environment. Child and caregivers feel comfortable and safe dealing with issues that come up in day-to-day life.
1 | Mild problems with functioning in current living situation. Caregivers express some concern about child’s behavior in living situation and/or child and caregiver have some difficulty dealing with issues that arise in daily life.
2 | Moderate to severe problems with functioning in current living situation. Child and caregivers have difficulty interacting effectively with each other much of the time. Difficulties may create significant problems for others in the residence.
3 | Profound problems with functioning in current living situation. Child is at immediate risk of being removed from living situation.
This item is rating how the child is functioning with others in their current living situation, not the conditions of where they are physically living. For example, homelessness or housing concerns would not be scored here.
33. Social Functioning
This item refers to the child’s social functioning from a developmental perspective.
0 | Child interacts appropriately with others and builds and maintains relationships.
1 | Child is having some difficulty interacting with others and building and/or maintaining relationships.
2 | Child often has problems interacting with others and building and maintaining relationships.
3 | Child consistently and pervasively has problems interacting with others and building and maintaining relationships.
N/A | Not applicable based on child’s age.
34. Developmental/Intellectual
This item rates the presence of Mental Retardation or Developmental Disabilities. All developmental disabilities occur on a continuum; a child with Autism may be designated a 0, 1, 2, or 3 depending on the significance of the disability and the impairment.
0 | No evidence of developmental problems or mental retardation.
1 | Documented delay, learning disability, or documented borderline intellectual disability, (i.e. FSIQ 70 to 85.)
2 | Evidence of a pervasive developmental disorder including Autism, Tourette’s, Down’s Syndrome or other significant developmental delay or child has mild mental retardation (FSIQ 50 to 69).
3 | Moderate, Severe, or Profound developmental disability or FSIQ below 50.
This item is not scored for infants unless they have intellectual development concerns. A child who has an IEP for a learning disability would be scored a 1 here.
35. Recreational
This item is intended to reflect the child’s access to and use of leisure time activities.
0 | Child makes full use of leisure time to pursue recreational activities that support his/her healthy development and enjoyment.
1 | Child at times has difficulty using leisure time to pursue recreational activities.
2 | Child is having moderate problems with recreational activities, and may be unable to use leisure time to enjoy recreational activities.
3 | Child has no access to or interest in recreational activities. Child has significant difficulties making use of leisure time.
N/A | Not applicable based on child’s age.
36. Legal
This item describes the child’s (not the family’s) involvement with the legal system. This could include involvement in the Juvenile or Adult Justice Systems.
0 | Child has no known legal difficulties.
1 | Child has a history of legal problems but currently is not involved with the legal system and is not currently on parole or probation.
2 | Child has some legal problems, is currently involved in the legal system and may have active parole and/or probation mandates.
3 | Child has serious current or pending legal difficulties that place him/her at risk for a re-arrest or youth is currently incarcerated.
This item is rating the child’s own legal involvement, not the family’s involvement with DCFS. This could also include the child’s involvement in the Juvenile or Adult Justice System.
37. Medical
This item refers to the child’s physical health status.
0 | Child has no current health problems or chronic conditions.
1 | Child has mild/treatable medical problems that require medical treatment.
2 | Child has chronic illness that requires ongoing medical intervention.
3 | Child has life threatening illness or medical condition.
This item is used to identify physical limitations, including chronic conditions, that entail impairment in eating, breathing, vision, hearing, mobility, or other functions.
0 | Child has no physical limitations.
1 | Child has some physical condition that places mild limitations on activities. Conditions such as impaired hearing or vision would be rated here. Also rate here treatable medical conditions that result in physical limitations (e.g. asthma).
2 | Child has physical condition that notably impacts activities. Sensory disorders such as blindness, deafness, or significant motor difficulties would be rated here.
3 | Child has severe physical limitations due to multiple physical conditions.
39. Sleep
This item rates any disruptions in sleep regardless of the cause including problems with going to bed, staying asleep, waking up early or sleeping too much.
0 | Child gets a full night’s sleep each night.
1 | Child has some problems sleeping. Generally, child gets a full night’s sleep but at least once a week problems arise. This may include occasionally awakening or bed wetting or nightmares.
2 | Child is having problems with sleep. Sleep is often disrupted and child seldom obtains a full night of sleep.
3 | Child is generally sleep deprived. Sleeping is difficult for the child and s/he is not able to get a full night’s sleep
40. Sexual Development
This item looks at broad issues of sexual development, including sexual behavior, sexual identity, sexual concerns, and the reactions of significant others to any of these factors.
0 | No evidence of any problems with sexual development.
1 | Mild to moderate problems with sexual development. May include concerns about sexual identity or anxiety about the reactions of others.
2 | Significant problems with sexual development. May include inappropriate or high-risk sexual behavior, distress due to gender identity issues, and/or some experience of negative reactions of others.
3 | Profound problems with sexual development. This level would include prostitution, very frequent risky sexual behavior, or sexual aggression and/or the expectation of specific life-threatening reactions by others.
41. School Behavior
This item rates the behavior of the child or youth in school or school-like settings. A rating of 3 would indicate a child who is still having problems after special efforts have been made, i.e. problems in a special education class.
0 | No evidence of behavior problems at school or day care. Child is behaving well.
1 | Child is having mild behavioral problems at school. May be related to either relationships with teachers or peers. A single detention might be rated here.
2 | Child is having moderate behavioral difficulties at school. He/she is disruptive and may receive sanctions including suspensions or multiple detentions.
3 | Child is having severe problems with behavior in school. He/she is frequently or severely disruptive. School placement may be in jeopardy due to behavior.
N/A | Not applicable for children three years and younger or for children not required/expected to be in school.
42. School Achievement
This item describes academic achievement and functioning.
0 | Child is working at grade level, passing all classes and is on track with his/her educational plan.
1 | Child is doing adequately in school, although some problems with achievement exist.
2 | Child is having moderate problems with school achievement. He/she may be failing some subjects and/or be at risk for failing the current grade.
3 | Child is having severe achievement problems. He/she may be failing most subjects or is more than one year behind same age peers in school achievement, and/or will certainly not pass to next grade level.
N/A | Not applicable for children three years and younger or any other child not expected to be in school.
43. School Attendance
If school is not in session, rate the last 30 days when school was in session.
0 | No evidence of attendance problems. Child attends regularly.
1 | Child has some problems attending school, although he/she generally goes to school. He/she may miss up to one day per week on average. Or, he/she may have had moderate to severe problems in the past six months but has been attending school regularly in the past month.
2 | Child is having problems with school attendance. He/she is missing at least two days per week on average.
3 | Child is generally truant or refusing to go to school or a school-aged child not enrolled in school.
N/A | Not applicable for children three years and younger or any other child not expected to be in school.