What is the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS)?

The Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) is a multi-purpose tool developed for children’s services to support decision making, including level of care and service planning, to facilitate quality improvement initiatives, and to allow for the monitoring of outcomes of services. There are four levels of each item with anchored definitions; however, these definitions are designed to translate into action levels (separate for needs and strengths). Versions of the CANS are currently used in 50 states in child welfare, mental health, juvenile justice, and early intervention. The CANS is free for anyone to use, it is easy to learn and understand, and does not necessarily require scoring in order to be meaningful to an individual child and family.

What is the purpose of the CANS?

The Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) tool is an assessment strategy that is designed to be used for decision support and outcomes management. Its primary purpose is to allow a system to remain focused on the shared vision of serving children and families, by representing children at all levels of the system. In other words, program and system management can function focused on the best interests of the children and families served if care managers have accurate information about the needs and strengths of the children in the system. Since the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services has made improvement in the awareness and treatment of trauma a priority, the IDCFS version of the CANS includes items from the CANS-Trauma Experiences and Adjustment tool developed in collaboration with sites of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Thus, this version of the CANS is also intended to remind everyone in the system about the importance of trauma experiences and their possible effects.

How is the CANS different from other measures?

The CANS is a ‘communimetric’ measure, developed from communication theory rather than psychometric theory. Most other measures used for outcomes management purposes were developed from psychometric theories. There are a number of implications of this difference in measurement design; the primary difference is the use of action trumps to correspond to the individual needs and strengths items. For needs: ‘0’ indicates no evidence, no need for action ‘1’ indicates watchful waiting/prevention ‘2’ indicates action ‘3’ indicates immediate/intensive action For strengths ‘0’ indicates a centerpiece strength, something so powerful it can be the focus of a strength-based plan ‘1’ indicates a useful strength ‘2’ indicates that a potential strength has been identified but must be developed 3 indicates no strength has been identified The CANS is also unique in that:

  1. It is about the child not about the service. If a child is receiving services that are masking a need, this is factored into the ratings. A hyperactive child on stimulants is still rated a ‘2’ as long as you have to work to control symptoms with medications.
  2. You consider culture and development before you establish the action levels. It is in this way that cultural sensitivity is embedded into the CANS and how it can be useful across the developmental trajectory of childhood and adolescence.
  3. It is ‘agnostic’ as to etiology. With the exception of two items (traumatic grief and adjustment to trauma), there are no assumptions of cause and effect. The CANS is intended to be descriptive. The occurrence of the behavior, not the reason for it, is all that is considered.
  4. It uses a 30-day window unless otherwise specified. Action levels may ‘trump’ this window. If something happened 45 days ago that is relevant to current service planning, this is factored into the ratings. In addition, since the CANS is designed at an item level, it is possible to create a tailored version for any specific purpose. A number of standard versions exist, but several states including Indiana, Tennessee, and Virginia have made modifications of the tool to fit their specific information needs and child-serving culture.
Is the CANS reliable and valid?

There is a large body of research demonstrating that the CANS is reliable both in training and field applications. Unlike most assessments, CANS completed in the field can be audited for accuracy. The audit reliability of the CANS has been reported to be 0.85. In order to be certified in the CANS, you must demonstrate reliability on a case vignette of 0.70 or greater. Case vignettes, due to their inherent brevity and vagueness, have the lowest reliability. The validity of the CANS has been demonstrated with its correlation with other measures and with its demonstrated ability to identify children and youth who will benefit through placement in different programs and levels of care. The face validity has been demonstrated through its utility in communicating with family members and judges about the needs and strengths of children.

How can the CANS help me in my daily work?

You can use the CANS as an active component of treatment planning. When you initiate a treatment planning process, you can use a recently completed CANS to guide the planning process. Any need items on the CANS which have been rated a ‘2’ or ‘3’ should be addressed in the treatment plan. Strength items rated ‘0’ or ‘1’ can be used for strength-based planning while those rated ‘2’ or ‘3’ should be addressed through strength identification and building activities. When you are monitoring whether a plan was successful or needs to be adjusted a recently completed CANS will tell you whether needs have been resolved and strengths created. CANS can be used to celebrate successes with the youth. Many agencies have embedded the CANS directly into their planning processes. In these applications that need to rate ‘2’ or ‘3’ automatically population the plan document (along with strengths rated ‘0’ or ‘1’). The plan then must address all identified needs and develop strategies to utilize existing strengths.

How can I use the CANS to build consensus on my treatment team?

The CANS is intended to be a communication tool. You can use the CANS to facilitate communication and consensus within your treatment team by sharing the ratings with the team and ensuring that all members are in agreement with the assessment. Discussions about agreement on how the child’s needs and strengths are described provide the foundation for agreement about what approaches to take to address those needs and identify and build strengths. The CANS items will become the language by which these issues are discussed.

How can I use the CANS to improve my agency works with children and youth?

The CANS is designed to be used for decision support (e.g. treatment planning, level of care), quality improvement, and outcomes monitoring activities. 

Where else is the CANS used?

Different versions of the CANS are used in nearly every state, and in nearly every continent. The U.S., statewide CANS Presence: Alaska, Arizona, California, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota.

The U.S., statewide CANS usage: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming.

Is there a charge for using the CANS?

The CANS is an open domain tool that is free to use. The copyright is held by the Praed Foundation in order to maintain its intellectual integrity. A very large number of individuals including professionals, parents, and youth have participated in the creation of the various CANS tools. Training and certification are required for the use of the CANS.

Where can I learn more?

There are a number of books that provide a comprehensive description of the history and development of the CANS approach including:

  • Lyons, JS (2004). Redressing the Emperor: Improving our children’s public mental health services system.
  • Praeger, Westport CT. Lyons, JS & Weiner, DA (EDS) (2008).
  • Strategies in behavioral healthcare: Total Clinical Outcomes Management.
  • Civic Research Institute, New York Lyons, JS (2009)
  • Communimetrics: A measurement theory for human service enterprises. New York, Springer
How does the CANS work in Illinois?

The Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) is a multi-purpose tool developed for children’s services to support decision making, including the level of care and service planning, to facilitate quality improvement initiatives, and to allow for the monitoring of outcomes of services. There are four levels of each item with anchored definitions; however, these definitions are designed to translate into action levels (separate for needs and strengths). Versions of the CANS are currently used in 50 states in child welfare, mental health, juvenile justice, and early intervention. The CANS is free for anyone to use, it is easy to learn and understand, and does not necessarily require scoring in order to be meaningful to an individual child and family.

What are the intended uses of the CANS?
  1. Integrate information from multiple sources/perspectives into one place (supports service planning)
  2. Engage the youth and family to include their perspective/experiences into services needed and delivered
  3. Provide an avenue for team-based communication and collaboration
  4. Monitor and report out progress over time
  5. Support intervention delivery and critical decision-making over the life of the case
What is the TCOM Framework?

Human services, including health care,  are often complex because of the number of different people involved in the process of care.    In complex systems participants always have different perspectives and often have competing responsibilities and objectives.   Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management is a conceptual framework for managing a complex system.  Within this framework, there is a philosophy, a strategy, and a set of tactics all designed to facilitate an effective and integrated approach to addressing the needs of people. Learn the more…

Training and Certification 

How to get started using the CANS?

Certification is mandated for all casework staff and supervisors (including POS) in the state of Illinois. Full instructions on getting started

Who is certified on the CANS in Illinois?

In Illinois, many professionals serving the youth and families within child welfare are certified in the IDCFS CANS. Certification is mandated for all casework staff and supervisors (including POS) in the state of Illinois.  Clinicians are encouraged to be certified. Other professional roles such as IPS, PPT, and Wrap Providers also certify and complete CANS per program expectations.  It is expected that all CANS users will hold a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree.


How often should I be re-certified on the CANS?

Yearly recertification is necessary to be categorized as a valid and reliable user of the CANS.

The information on this page has been adopted from the John Praed Foundation.