current members

Research Associate

Eric Abenojar

Eric completed his B.S. in Management of Applied Chemistry and M.S. in Chemistry from Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines. He received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) in 2017 working with Dr. Anna C. Samia on the synthesis of iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles for hyperthermia applications. He then joined the group of Prof. Agata A. Exner at the Department of Radiology (CWRU) working on the preparation and in vitro and in vivo characterization of ultrasound nanosized bubble contrast agents for prostate cancer imaging. Eric joined the Kalow lab in November 2022.  When not in the lab, he likes to travel and read.

Postdoctoral Researchers

Young Ju Yun

Young Ju completed her B.S. in Biology Education and her M.S. in Biological Science at Pusan National University, South Korea. She obtained her Ph.D. in Chemistry from Illinois Institute of Technology in 2022 under the guidance of Prof. A. Jean-Luc Ayitou. Her Ph.D. research focused on synthesizing and studying photophysical characteristics of polyaromatic organic triplet chromophores, which can be used for light-harvesting and other photonic applications such as photon/energy up-conversion (TTA–PUC). When she is not in the lab, Young Ju enjoys exploring the city, traveling, watching movies, and spending time with family.


Alec (Jiun-wei) Wu

Alec received his B.S. in Chemistry at National Taiwan University, Taiwan, in 2018 with Dr. Tsung-Shing Wang. Driven by his passion for doing organic synthesis, he then moved to Texas A&M University and completed his Ph.D. in Chemistry under the direction of Dr. Quentin Michaudel. His Ph.D. research focused on synthesizing polysulfamides utilizing SuFEx click chemistry and characterizing this underexplored polymer family. Alec joined the Kalow lab in 2023, and his current research interest locates in the light-mediated synthesis of conjugating polymers. While not thinking about science, Alec enjoys playing softball and volleyball, watching baseball games, and alchemizing in kitchen using his mom’s secret recipes.


Mara L. Paterson

Mara completed her B.S. in Chemistry in 2019 at Valparaiso University, working with Prof. Kevin Jantzi. She then moved to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, where she earned her Ph.D. in 2024 under the guidance of Prof. Steve Zimmerman. Her graduate work focused on the design, synthesis, and mechanistic investigations of logic-gated acid-degradable polymers. Mara joined the Kalow group in 2024, where she is interested in photocontrolled dynamic covalent chemistry. Outside of lab, she can often be found baking, painting, befriending cats, and/or exploring Chicago. 

Summer Rotators

Wei-Shan Huynh

Wei-Shan graduated from UC Berkeley in 2024 with a B.S. degree in Chemistry. While at Berkeley, he studied the electrochemical/organocatalytic conversion of CO2 to sugars in Peidong Yang’s group. He also spent his summers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, where he developed recyclable polyurethane photopolymer resins for closed loop 3D printing applications under the mentorship of Sijia Huang. As a G0 student in the Kalow lab, he looks forward to further researching polymers with an emphasis on photopolymers and dynamic covalent networks. Outside of lab, he enjoys playing violin, riding his bike, and swimming/surfing.

Callie Goins

Callie graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2024 with a B.S. in Chemistry, concentrated in polymers. While at Georgia Tech, she worked in the group of Dr. John Reynolds on the IR switching, photostability, electrochemistry, and other projects relating to electrochromic polymers and small molecules. She is interested in further exploring conjugated and electronic polymers as well as photochemistry. Outside of the lab, Callie enjoys figure skating, which she has done competitively for 16 years, traveling, and spending time with friends.

Graduate Students

Fifth Years

Christina Hemmingsen

Christina is a joint student with Dr. Emily Weiss who graduated from Case Western Reserve University with a BS in Chemistry in 2020. Her undergraduate work with Dr. Emily Pentzer focused on the impact of graphene oxide nanosheet functionalization on Pickering-type emulsion stability and inter-sheet interactions at the air/water interface. She is interested in blending nanoscience with photochemistry to guide synthesis and manipulate dynamic materials. In her free time, Christina enjoys cooking (and eating) delicious food, playing violin, and exploring the outdoors.

Alexis Martell

Alexis graduated from Cornell University in 2019 with his B.A. in Chemistry. During his time at Cornell, he worked with Dr. Margaret Frey, exploring temperature-responsive polymeric coatings for cotton fabrics. He is currently interested in investigating the formation of covalent adaptable networks in order to help create future sustainable materials. When not in the lab, Alexis enjoys biking, listening to new music, socializing, and exploring the city. 

Fourth Years

Daniel Hart

Daniel graduated from Brigham Young University in 2021 with a BS degree in Chemistry. While at BYU he performed research in the lab of Dr. Walter Paxton with a focus on synthesizing novel and stimuli responsive block copolymers. This foundation in polymers led him to the Kalow lab, where he is interested in studying covalent adaptable networks for use as sustainable materials. When he is not in the lab, Daniel likes to read, spend time with his kids, bake, and take naps.

Haley McAllister

Haley graduated from Franklin and Marshall College with her B.A. in Chemistry. With Dr. Katherine Plass, Haley conducted research on metal chalcogenide nanoheterostructures and their potential for photocatalytic and thermoelectric devices. Her current research interests revolve around photocontrolled hydrogels. Outside of the lab, she enjoys going on nature walks, attending musical theatre productions, and eating quiches.



Jonathan Sklar

Jonathan graduated from Stanford University in 2021 with a BS in Chemistry and a BA with Honors in Philosophy. At Stanford, he worked in Prof. Yan Xia’s lab on novel ladder polymer materials for membrane gas separation where he developed a soft spot for polymers with unusual backbone structures. Jonathan’s current research in the Kalow lab involves the light mediated synthesis of conjugated polymers. When not in lab, Jonathan enjoys karate, reading philosophy, food, and perhaps a little too much youtube.


Third Years

Ethan Fuller

Ethan graduated from Case Western Reserve University in 2022 with a B.S. degree in Chemistry. At CWRU, he worked with Dr. Hatsuo Ishida on benzoxazines, a relatively new type of polymer, investigating how hydrogen bonding can affect its polymerization. Ethan’s current research in the Kalow lab looks at the light-mediated synthesis of conjugated polymers. When not in the lab, Ethan enjoys hanging out with his friends, cooking, playing the saxophone and video games.



Emmanuel Garcia Villatoro

Emmanuel graduated from Mexico National Autonomous University (UNAM) in 2019 with a B.S in Chemistry and in 2021 with a M.S. in Chemical Sciences. During his time at UNAM, he worked under the guidance of Prof. Jorge Peon designing modular antenna—photoswitch systems for the biphotonic activation of the switching processes via ultrafast energy transfer. His current research focuses on dynamic covalent networks. Outside the lab, he enjoys taking walks, video games, exploring new places, and going to live music performances.

Second Years

Zamira Harris-Ryden

Zamira graduated from The University of Texas at Austin in 2023 with a BSA in Chemistry and a minor in History. At UT, she worked in Dr. Cassandra Callmann’s group on the synthesis of monomers for sugar-based polymers. Her current research focuses on the discovery of triplet photosensitizers. Outside of lab, Zamira enjoys windsurfing, swimming, distance running, and trying new coffee shops.




Jolly Patro

Jolly completed her Bachelor of Science at Caltech in chemistry where she conducted research with Prof. Maxwell Robb studying polymer mechanochemistry. She worked on demonstrating mechanically triggered small molecule release in bulk polymeric materials. She’s currently interested in photocontrolled hydrogels and better understanding polymer network topology. Outside of lab, Jolly enjoys long walks, baking, coloring, embroidery, playing the viola, and watching TV.


Undergraduate Students

Nina Georgieva

Nina is a sophomore chemistry major at Northwestern, originally from Pittsburgh, PA and Burgas, Bulgaria. Her research mostly involves the properties of photoswitches adhered to two-dimensional surfaces via various ligands. Outside of the lab, she loves plants, making her own clothes, and the New York Times Crossword.




Sarah Lin

Sarah is a sophomore chemistry major at Northwestern University who originally came from Vancouver, Canada. Her research involves the development of scalable routes to antiaromatic polymers. Outside of the lab, she enjoys playing the bass guitar, watching documentaries, and doing ballet.


Shoki Matsushima

Shoki is a rising sophomore chemistry major at Northwestern, originally from Tokyo, Japan. He is interested in the development of dynamic covalent bonds through light. Outside of the lab, he enjoys trying different coffee shops, visiting the aquarium to watch penguins, and playing the Japanese traditional string instrument called Shamisen.




Hailey Silva

Hailey is a sophomore majoring in chemistry at Northwestern University and is originally from Las Vegas, Nevada. Her main interest is creating synthetic pathways for reversible photocontrolled polymer networks. When she is not in the lab, she enjoys rollerblading, exploring Chicago and other big cities, cooking, and watching anime. 




Group mascot



Donatello is a tortoise. He likes kale, escarole, and especially carrots. In his free time (ie all the time) he enjoys digging, sitting on top of his log, falling off of his log, and sleeping.



The Kalow lab is currently recruiting students and postdocs interested in working in the interdisciplinary, dynamic environment of a new lab. Want to join? More info here!






former members