- Dr. Lauren Walter joined the lab to start her postdoc training!
- Dr. Yuanyuan Liu joined the lab to start her postdoc training!
- Steve Li (MD/PhD) started his postdoctoral training in the lab!
- Welcome Meredith Klay as our new Research Assistant, Ned Yu, Neerav Ravirala and Megan Wong as our newest undergraduate students, and Aidan Yang as this summer’s high school intern!
- Ayasa Michii left the lab to start her Graduate study at Harvard University!
- Cady’s scHolography and spatial transcriptomics paper is published by Genome Biology, Congratulations for Cady’s first paper as graduate student!
- Eric Mao left the lab to start his Medical School training at University of Virginia School of Medicine!
- Carolynn Gonzalez joined the lab as a rotation student for the Spring Quarter, and Carolynn officially joined the lab after her successful rotation!
- Ria Almohtadi joined the lab to study miR-205 regulated cell division as her rotation project!
- Dr. Jimin Han joined the lab to start his postdoc training!
- Dongmei’s study of MOF and histone H4K16ac is published by Nature Communications!
- Ed Li (MD/PhD) officially started his postdoc training the lab!
- Chi’s thesis work (the last chapter) is published by Frontiers in Aging!
- Junda Chen (from Tsinghua University) joined the lab as our first ever international visiting student at Northwestern!
- Chris Stephens joined the lab as our new graduate student!
- Congratulations to Sophie, Eric and Anna for their fantastic research presentation and graduation from Northwestern!
- Jingjing’s study of hair follicle stem cell mechanics is published by PNAS!
- Chris Stephens and Hyebin Han joined the lab as rotation students!
- Brandon Hancock joined the lab as a rotation student for the Spring Quarter!
- Congratulations to Ed for receiving the Dermatologist Investigator Research Fellowship from the Dermatology Foundation!
- Johnson Yang joined the lab as a rotation student for the Winter Quarter!
- Ayasa Michii joined the lab as our new RA!
- Adrian Carcamo joined the lab as our new graduate student!
- Dr. Anumeha Singh joined the lab as our new postdoctoral associate!
- Chi’s stem cell aging paper is published, and featured in New York Times and NIH Research Matters!
- Claudia joined the lab as a rotation student for the Fall Quarter.
- Michael Sande joined the lab as our new RA!
- Kestrel left the lab and we wished him the best in his future career in medicine.
- Cady joined the lab as our first graduate student at Northwestern!
- Annika Schroder joined the lab as a rotation student for the Spring Quarter.
- Yi lab moves from CU Boulder to Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine!
- Dongmei has been appointed Research Assistant Professor by the Pathology department at Northwestern.
- Chi has been awarded an NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition (F99/K00) Award!
- Rui has been promoted to Professor at CU Boulder.
- Arpan, Lily and Kevin joined the lab as our new graduate students!
- Kestrel joined the lab as our new RA!
- Gaelle joined the lab as our new RA!
- Rui has received CU Boulder Provost’s Faculty Achievement Award.
- Rui has received an NIAMS STAR Award.
- Chi joined the lab as our new graduate student!
- Dr. Haimin Li joined the lab!
- Jeremy joined the lab as our new RA!
- 2016
- Glen has been awarded an American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellowship!
- Dongmei has been promoted to Adjunct Assistant Professor by the MCDB department at CU Boulder.
- Dr. Jingjing Wang joined the lab!
- 2015
- Jaimee has received a Keystone Symposium travel award.
- Xiying has received a Keystone Symposium travel award.
- Rui has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure at CU Boulder.
- Dr. Glen Bjerke joined the lab!
- 2014
- Jaimee has been awarded an NIAMS NRSA Predoctoral (F31) Award!
- Dr. Alfonso Garrido-Lecca joined the lab and has been awarded an Anna and John J. Sie Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship!
- Lisa joined the lab as our new RA!
- 2013
- Jerome has been awarded an American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellowship!
- Rui has received an American Cancer Society Research Scholar Award.
- 2012
- Dr. Jerome Lee joined the lab!
- Jaimee and Chris joined the lab as our new graduate students!
- 2011
- Dr. Xiying Fan joined the lab!
- Emily joined the lab as our new RA!
- Yi lab received the first R01 grant!
- Li joined the lab as our new graduate student!
- 2009
- Zhaojie and Kent joined the lab as our first pair of graduate students!
- Dr. Dongmei Wang joined the lab!
- Lori joined the lab as our first mouse technician!
- 2008
- Yi lab was established at CU Boulder (08/18/2008)
- Evan joined the lab as our first RA!
- Dr. Dejiang Feng joined the lab as our first postdoctoral associate!