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Graduate Students:

We welcome rotation students from the DGP, MSTP and IBiS programs. Our graduate students have been highly successful and published high impact papers in journals such as Science, Nature Aging, eLife, Genome Biology and JCB. Our graduate students also receive prestigious awards including NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) and NIH Individual Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00).

Postdoctoral Position:

We invite highly motivated individuals to apply for postdoctoral positions in transcriptional and epigenetic regulation, RNA biology, live animal imaging, single cell genomics and computational biology in tissue stem cells, human skin diseases, aging and cancer. Please send CV and names and addresses of three references to Dr. Rui Yi (yir “at” northwestern).

Undergraduate Students:

Our lab has a long tradition to provide research opportunities to highly motivated undergraduate students in the areas of stem cell biology and computational biology. We support our undergraduate students to obtain research support, perform thesis research and apply to medical schools or graduate programs.