The Project
SweetMama was a novel mobile application designed by the Yee Research Lab to provide support and education to pregnant people with diabetes. Based on health behavior theories, SweetMama delivered a diabetes-focused educational curriculum containing tips, motivational messages, goal-setting messages, recipes, appointment reminders, and trusted resources.
SweetMama was developed based on iterative rounds of feedback from patients and providers at every stage of development. We then examined SweetMama use and its effects on maternal self-efficacy and maternal-fetal health in the setting of a pilot randomized control trial. The study concluded in 2021.

Optimizing Engagement in an mHealth Intervention for Diabetes Support During Pregnancy: the Role of Baseline Patient Health and Behavioral Characteristics

Health Care Providers' Utilization of and Perspectives on Mobile Health Technology for Diabetes and Pregnancy Support

Identifying Mobile Health Technology Experiences and Preferences of Low-Income Pregnant Women with Diabetes

Evaluation of a Text Messaging Intervention to Support Self-Management of Diabetes During Pregnancy Among Low-Income, Minority Women: Qualitative Study

Patient and Provider Perspectives on a Novel Mobile Health Intervention for Low-Income Pregnant Women With Gestational or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Factors Promoting Diabetes Self-Care Among Low-Income, Minority Pregnant Women

Social and Environmental Barriers to Nutrition Therapy for Diabetes Management Among Underserved Pregnant Women: a Qualitative Analysis

"I Was Tired of All the Sticking and Poking": Identifying Barriers to Diabetes Self-Care Among Low-Income Pregnant Women

Health Care Providers’ Perspectives on Barriers and Facilitators to Care for Low-Income Pregnant Women With Diabetes

Content Quality of YouTube Videos About Gestational Diabetes: Systematic Evaluation

Understanding Food Security as a Social Determinant of Diabetes-Related Health during Pregnancy

SweetMama: Usability Assessment of a Novel Mobile Application Among Low-Income Pregnant People to Assist With Diabetes Management and Support
Poster Presentations