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Latest News

  • July 2024: 🎈🍾Szu-Yu was one of the 2 Poster Award Winners (selected from~140 posters) at the GRC-Microbial Stress Response conference. Well done and congrats on the research recognition. 👏👏
  • July 2024: 🎈🍾Anna’s paper published in Nucleic Acids Research, and Alex’s collaborative paper with Zhang’s Lab published in mSystems. Congrats to both🍾🎉
  • May 2024: With mixed feelings we bid farewell to Sat. Good luck in Aberdeen! You will be missed!
  • March 2024: Ria Almohtadi starts her 10-wk lab rotation. Welcome aboard!
  • Jan 2024: 🎊Former tech Kate’s work published in PLOS Pathogens!
  • Oct 2023: The 29th Annual Midwest Microbial Pathogenesis Conference (MMPC) held at Northwestern U was a grand success despite the initial AV issue. Thanks to all the support from the Dept Micro-Immunol and Basic Science Administration.
  • May 2023: 🥂Congrats to Szu-Yu Kuan (the first graduate student at Northwestern) for passing her PhD qualifying exam.
  • October 2022: 🍾Congrats to David Ranava for being awarded an NIH Abstract Award from the 28th Annual Midwest Microbial Pathogenesis Conference (2022 MMPC) held at UW-Madison.
  • September 2022: 🍾Congrats to David Ranava for his research published in PNAS with our fantastic collaborators (Drs. Stephan Sieber and Sabine Schneider).
  • September 2022: Rotational DGP student Sharath Narayan joins the lab-Welcome!
  • September 2022: 🍾Congratulations to Anna for the co-author paper in Molecular Cell led by Ben-Sahra’s Lab.
  • September 2022: 🎉We are grateful for receiving the renewal of our R01 grant from NIH/NIGMS.
  • August 2022: 🎊Thank you to NIGMS for funding a capital equipment supplement grant.
  • July 2022: 🍾Congrats to David Ranava for his conference abstract award from the GRC-Microbial Stress Response.
  • June 2022: Welcome to Szu-Yu Kuan for joining the lab as the first graduate student at NU.
  • April 2022: 🍾Our collaborative work (w/ Cruz-Vera’s lab) on ribosomal exit tunnel is published in Microbiology Spectrum.
  • September 2021: DGP student Szu-Yu Kuan rotates in the lab- Welcome!
  • June 2021: 🍾Congrats to Anna for her first-author paper published in mBio.
  • June 2021: Postdoc fellow Sat Chodha (hails from UK, Hwang’s lab ) joins the lab- Welcome!
  • April 2021: Postdoc fellow Alex Le Scornet  (hails from France, Redder’s lab) joins the lab -Welcome!
  • September 2020: 🎉Yap lab is awarded a new R01 grant from NIAID. Thank you NIH!
  • August 2020: 🎊Yap lab receives an administrative equipment supplement from the NIH to purchase a Typhoon 5 multimode Molecular Imager. Thank you NIGMS!
  • May 2020: 🍾Congrats to former postdoc Arnab Basu and former technician Kate Shields for their joint paper published in Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC).
  • Spring 2020: COVID pandemic hits.
  • Fall 2019: Drs. David Ranava (alum from Ieva’s lab) and Anna Liponska  (alum from Putzer’s & Boël’s Labs) join as the first two members of Yap Lab at NU.
  • August 2019: Yap Lab officially moves from Saint Louis University Biochem to Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
Celebrating David's 2022 PNAS paper.

Celebrating David's 2022 PNAS paper.

Celebrating Anna's 2021 mBio paper.

Celebrating Anna's 2021 mBio paper.

Celebrating Alex's bday during the pandemic

Celebrating Alex's bday during the pandemic.

David's 2022 b'day.

David's 2022 b'day.