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Research Articles (#Yap Lab trainee, *corresponding author(s))

  • Liponska, A #, Lee, H, and Yap, M.-N. F * (2024) Staphylococcal exoribonuclease YhaM destabilizes ribosomes by targeting the mRNA of a hibernation factor. Nucleic Acids Research. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkae596 [Ahead of Print]
  • Tan, Y., Le Scornet A.#, Yap, M.-N. F.* and Zhang D.* (2024) Machine learning-based classification reveals distinct clusters of non-coding genomic allelic variations associated with Erm-mediated antibiotic resistance. mSystems 9(7):e0043024.
  • Shields, K.E.#, Ranava, D.#., Tan, Y., Zhang, D., and Yap, M.-N.F * (2024) Epitranscriptional m6A modification of rRNA negatively impacts translation and host colonization in Staphylococcus aureus. PLOS Pathogens. 20(1):e1011968
  • Ranava, D#, Scheidler, C. M., Pfanzelt, M. Fiedler, M., Sieber, S. A.*, Schneider, S.*, and Yap, M.-N.F * (2022) Bidirectional sequestration between a bacterial hibernation factor and a glutamate metabolizing protein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 119: e2207257119.
  • Ali, E.S., Liponska, A#, O’Hara, B. P., Amici, D. R., Torno, M. D., Gao, P., Asara, J. M., Yap, M.-N.F, Mendillo, M. L., and Ben-Sahra, I.* (2022) The mTORC-1-SLC4A7 axis stimulates bicarbonate import to enhance de novo nucleotide synthesis. Molecular Cell. 82: 3284-3298.
  • Franklin, E.A., Worthan, S. B., Pham, C, Yap, M.-N.F, and Cruz-Vera, L.R.*(2022) A ribosomal protein variant that confers macrolide resistance differentially regulates acid resistance, catabolism, and biofilm formation related genes in E.coli. Microbiology Spectrum. e0226121. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.02261-21
  • Liponska, A#, and Yap, M.-N. F.* (2021) Hibernation-promoting factor sequesters Staphylococcus aureus ribosomes to antagonize RNase R-mediated nucleolytic degradation. mBio. 12(4): e00334-21.
  • Basu, A.#, Shields, K.E#. and Yap, M.-N. F.* (2020) The hibernating 100S complex is a target of ribosome-recycling factor and elongation factor G in Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 295: 6053-6061.
  • Basu, A.#, Shields, K. E.#, Eickhoff, C. S., Hoft, D. F., and Yap, M. -N. F.* (2018) Thermal and nutritional regulation of ribosome hibernation in Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Bacteriology. 200: pii: e00426-18.
  • Basu, A.#, and Yap, M. -N. F.* (2017) Disassembly of the Staphylococcus aureus hibernating 100S ribosome by an evolutionarily conserved GTPase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 114: E8165-E8173.
  • Matzov, D., Aibara, S., Basu, A.#, Zimmerman, E., Bashan, A., Yap, M. -N. F.*, Amunts, A.*, and Yonath, A.* (2017) The cryo-EM structure of hibernating 100S ribosome dimer from pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus. Nature Communications. 8:723.
  • Dzyubak, E.,# and Yap, M. -N. F.* (2016) The expression of antibiotic resistance methyltransferase correlates with mRNA stability independently of ribosome stalling. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 60: 7178-7188.
  • Basu, A.#, and Yap, M. -N. F.* (2016) Ribosome hibernation factor promotes Staphylococcal survival and differentially represses translation. Nucleic Acids Research. 44: 4481-4493.
  • Davis, A.R.#, Gohara, D.W., and Yap, M. -N. F.* (2014) Sequence selectivity of macrolide-induced translational attenuation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 111: 15379-15384.
  • Yap, M. -N. F.*, and Bernstein H.D.* (2013) Mutations in the ribosomal protein L22 selectively suppress the expression of a secreted bacterial virulence factor. Journal of Bacteriology. 195: 2991-2999.

Invited Reviews and Commentaries

  • Gohara, D.W., and Yap, M. -N. F.* (2018) Survival of the deowsiest: the hibernating 100S ribosome in bacterial stress management. Current Genetics. 64:753-760.
  • Matzov, D., Bashan, A., Yap, M.-N. F., and Yonath, A.* (2019) Stress response as implemented by hibernating ribosomes. The FEBS Journal. 286: 3558-3565.
  • Yap, M. -N. F.* (2013) The double life of antibiotics. Missouri Medicine. 110: 218-222.

  Prior to Independent Position at Northwestern University and Saint Louis University

  • Yap, M. -N., and Bernstein H.D. (2011) The translational regulatory function of SecM requires a precise timing of membrane targeting. Molecular Microbiology. 81:540-553.
  • Glasner, J. D., Yang, C.-H., Reverchon, S., Hugouvieux-Pattat, N., Condemine G., Bohin, J. P., Van Gijsegem, F., Hibbing, M., Yap, M.-N., Carpentier, M., Dassa, E., Umehara, M., Kim, J., Rusch, M., Blattner, F. R., Keen, N.T., Perna, N.T. (2011) Genome sequence of the plant pathogenic bacterium Dickeya dadantii 3937. Journal of Bacteriology. 193: 2076-2077
  • Yap, M. -N., and Bernstein H.D. (2009) The plasticity of a translation arrest motif yields insights into nascent polypeptide recognition inside the ribosome tunnel. Molecular Cell. 34: 201-211.
  • Kinscherf, T. G., Yap, M.-N., Charkowski, A. O., and Willis, D. K. (2009) CHEF procedures: A rapid high-temperature method for sample preparation, a high voltage HEPES buffer system and the use of NuSieve Agarose. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology. 17: 9-16.
  • Yap, M. -N., Yang, C.-H., and Charkowski, A. O. (2008) The response regulator HrpY of Dickeya dadantii 3937 regulates virulence genes not linked to the hrp cluster. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 21:304-314.
  • Yap, M. -N., Rojas, C. M., Yang, C.-H., and Charkowski, A. O. (2006) Harpin mediates cell aggregation in Erwinia chysanthemi. Journal of Bacteriology. 188: 2280-2284.
  • Peng, Q., Yang, S.-H., Charkowski, A. O., Yap, M.-N., Steeber, D. A., Keen, N.T,, and Yang, C.-H. (2006) Population behavior analysis of dspE and pelD regulation in Erwinia chrysanthemi 3937. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions.19: 451-457.
  • Yap, M. -N., Yang, C.-H., Barak, J. D., Jahn, C.E., and Charkowski, A. O. (2005) The Erwinia chrysanthemi type III secretion system is required for multicellular behavior. Journal of Bacteriology. 187: 639-648.
  • Yap, M. -N., Barak, J.D., and Charkowski, A. O. (2004) Genomic diversity of Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora and its correlation to pathogenecity. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 70: 3013-3023.
  • Yap, M. -N., R. -H. Lee, Y.-J. Huang, C. -J. Liao, and Chen, S.-C. G. (2003) Molecular characterization of a novel senescence-associated gene SPA15 induced during leaf senescence in sweet potato. Plant Molecular Biology. 51:471-481.
  • Tseng, M. -J., Yap, M.-N., Ratanakhanokchai, Kyu K.-L, and Chen, S.-T. (2002) Purification and characterization of two cellulase free xylanases from an alkaliphilic Bacillus firmus. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 30: 590-595.
  • Chen, G. -L., Huang, L.-T., Yap, M.-N., Lee, R.-H., Huang, Y.-J., Cheng, M.-C., and Chen, S.-C. G. (2002) Molecular characterization of a senescence-associated gene encoding cysteine proteinase and its gene expression during leaf senescence in sweet potato. Plant and Cell Physiology. 43: 984-991.
  • Huang, Y.-H., To, K.-Y., Yap, M.-N., Chiang, W.-J., Suen, D.-F., and Chen, S.-C.G. (2001) Cloning and characterization of leaf senescence up-regulated genes in sweet potato. Physiologia Plantarum. 113: 384-191.
  • Chu P. -W., Yap, M.-N., Wu, C.-Y., Pan, F.-M, Tseng, M.-J., and Chen, S.-T. (2000) A proteomic analysis of secreted proteins from xylan-induced Bacillus sp. strain K-1. Electrophoresis. 21: 1740-1745.
  • Yu, M. -S., Yap, M.-N., and Lee, C.-Y. (2000) Metal content and biochemical analyses of a recombinant collagenase PrtV. Microbiology and Immunology. 44: 805-813.


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