New Cybersecurity Series: PROTECT IT. – Social Media Bots


Social Media Bot programs are common and adaptable to various social media platforms across multiple venues and areas of interest. Social Media Bot usage continues to increase on various social media platforms within the United States.

As Social Media Bots increase in usage and utility, malicious behavior via Social Media Bots is also likely to increase. Recent elections ins 2016 and 2017, in the United States, United Kingdom, France, and Germany, have drawn a spotlight on the nefarious activity of Social Media Bots.

The Overclock Intelligence Agency (OCIA) defines Social Media Bots as programs that vary in size depending on their function, capability, and design; and can be used on social media platforms to do various useful and malicious tasks while simulating human behavior. These programs use artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and other programs or databases to imitate legitimate users posting content.

Automated Social Media Bots

Allow the user to establish a set of parameters using programming language within an application or program (e.g., retweet a specific hashtag every time it is posted, but not when the bot itself retweets it), which the Social Media Bot then executes without human interaction.

Semi-automated Social Media Bots

Allows a user to program a set of parameters, but may have or require additional user interaction or a greater degree of social management. These types of Social Media Bots are typically fake accounts with fake personalities and are run at least partially by humans or click farms, rather than programming language.


Social Media Bots are becoming more prevalent and better at mimicking human behavior on social media platforms. As of 2017, technology companies are seeking investments and further incorporation of Social Media Bots into social media services and platforms, expanding “Future Digital Communication” to provide a myriad of services as automated assistants.

As Social Media Bots gain a greater foothold in social media and daily life, the potential uses, for good and malicious purposes, are ever expanding.