Northwestern University is under constant attack from cyber criminals.
The most common form of attacks are phishing emails. Below I provide a couple of examples of a phishing campaign targeted toward our community.
We have a number of systems in place to prevent phishing messages from arriving in Northwestern inboxes, or — when they do arrive — to prevent recipients from visiting the link and unknowingly compromising their account. However, some attempts do slip through our defenses, so the next and most crucial line of defense are the reports we receive from our community. We encourage everyone to forward phishing messages to with full headers, even if they seem like obvious phishing attempts. We would rather receive 50 extra reports than miss a phishing message entirely.
Phishing campaigns are getting harder to spot, with legitimate imagery and somewhat common language. However, scammers are not always good with grammar.
I hope that with this visual aid, you are prepared to fend off the next wave of phishing attempts.
I’d like to hear from you.