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Tag: For Members Only (FMO)

The Week Ahead (November 25-December 1)

Let’s Talk Series  Monday, November 25, from 1:30–2:30 PM  University Library, 1134  Join CAPS counselors in University Library for free, informal, confidential consultations with counselors. There is no appointment necessary, and students are seen on a first-come, first-serve basis. This is an opportunity to talk to a professional about anything from stress to adjustment struggles,

Celebrate Black History Month with MSA

February is Black History Month, a time to celebrate and learn about black culture. Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA) has organized a wide variety of fun events to encourage students to celebrate blackness and the whole self throughout the coming month. Harambee, an annual Northwestern tradition, will kick off the month with a mixture of performances,

Commemoration Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Bursar’s Office Takeover

Fifty years ago, Northwestern was forever changed. In an effort to diversify Northwestern’s historically white campus, admissions had begun to recruit more Black students. Instead of the less than 50 Black students enrolled in 1966, Black student enrollment was up to 160 in 1968. Despite this small victory, Black students on campus were still treated unfairly. They faced racial violence and discrimination, and they knew they weren’t receiving the resources and support from the University that they could be.

After months of one-on-one meetings with administrators, Black students saw very little change in their conditions on campus. They knew it was time to do something bigger.