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Tag: dittmar gallery

The Week Ahead (February 10-16)

Sparkle at NU: “W.A.R., Because it’s Necessary  Monday, February 10 from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM    Fisk Hall, 217, 1845 Sheridan Road  For Black History Month, recording artist and anti-sexual violence activist Sparkle will visit Northwestern to speak about her experiences coming forward about R. Kelly’s history of sexual abuse. Sparkle bravely testified against R. Kelly during

The Week Ahead (October 14-20) 

NCA Law School Info Sessions  Monday, October 14 at 12:00 PM, and Wednesday, October 16 at 12:30 PM  Norris Wildcat Room 101B, Norris Art Room 206  Planning to go to law school after graduation? Northwestern Career Advancement (NCA) is hosting two information sessions this week. The first is for NYU School of Law, where the

The Week Ahead (September 23- 29)

Regular Registration for Norris Mini Courses Begins  Monday, September 23  Online at the Norris Box Office website  Norris Mini Courses cover a wide variety of fun and interesting topics, including hip hop, knitting, pocket billiards, and more. All classes meet once a week in the evenings and are not credit-bearing, making them the perfect opportunity to try something new.  Registration

The Week Ahead (May 13-19)

“Elsewhere” Opening Reception  Thursday, May 16 from 5:00- 7:00 PM  Dittmar Gallery, Norris   Featuring the work of five Northwestern seniors in the Art Theory and Practice Department, “Elsewhere” explores how each artist uses individual practices to create their own space. The exhibit is free and open to the public; it will remain on view from

The Week Ahead (April 1-7)

Let’s Talk  Monday, April 1 from 2:00- 3:00 PM NU University Library  A program from Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Let’s Talk offers a free, drop-in consultation program for students at various campus locations. The consultations are informal and confidential and may be a springboard to find other resources. While Let’s Talk should not substitute formal counseling, consultants can

The Week Ahead (November 5-11)

From art gallery exhibits to book discussions and election night watch parties, check out the many different events happening across campus over this upcoming week!

Tensile Strength: Six Art Theory and Practice Students Present Their Senior Exhibit

Six graduating Art Theory and Practice students will present their senior exhibit, Tensile Strength. Each of their practices are vastly different from one another, but together they explore important themes like trauma, solitude, nostalgia, and femininity. The Tensile Strength opening reception will be May 18 from 4–6 p.m. in the Dittmar Gallery. The exhibit will show through June 15.

See the (In)Visible Men at Dittmar Gallery

Artist Ricardo Lewis has spent the last five years creating art that challenges viewers to connect with black men by looking them in the eye. Until March 22, his series of paintings entitled (In)Visible Men will be on display in Dittmar Gallery.

The Best Valentine’s Day You’ll Ever Have™ (feat. Norris Center)

Let’s play a game. What’s the first thing you think of when I say “romance”? I know what you’re thinking. Norris Center at Northwestern University! That’s what I was thinking too. Nothing makes the sparks fly more than a nice cup o’ joe from Norris Starbucks and stunning views of University Library. Is there a better place in the world to celebrate Valentine’s Day?

Embrace Chaos at Dittmar Gallery Exhibition

    Celebration is part of every person’s life for reasons big and small. However, what is truly important often gets lost in the trappings and experiential value. Is your celebration meaningful or empty? Erin Elizabeth’s Embracing the Chaos exhibit is showing in Dittmar Gallery from January 6 to February 12 and ask yourself the question: Why do I celebrate?