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Taylor Hayden

Staff Spotlight: Alyscia Raines

Name: Alyscia Raines Title: Assistant Director Department: Multicultural Student Affairs Where are you from? I was born in Albany, New York, but have lived in Chicago since age 3, so I claim Chicago. How many years have you worked in Student Affairs at Northwestern? 1 year What’s your favorite spot on campus? I am in love with Deering Meadow

The Week Ahead (December 3-9)

This reading week, don’t let the stress of finals get you down. Give yourself a break from studying and check out some of the many fun and relaxing events happening across campus!

ASG Honor Roll: Congratulations to Student Affairs nominees!

Based on nominations, Associated Student Government honors individuals who have improved student life through the annual Faculty and Administrator Honor Roll. We would like to extend a special shout-out to this year’s nominees who work within the Student Affairs community. These honorees have committed themselves to improving the Northwestern experience, and we are grateful for all their contributions.

The Week Ahead (November 26 – December 2)

Thanksgiving may be over, but we still have a few weeks left to go! As we gear up for reading and finals weeks, remember to cheer on the Wildcats at their first-ever Big Ten Championship game and keep your eye out for these events coming to campus.

Combat Test Anxiety with ‘Breathe’

This installment of “Breathe” exercises tackles pre-exam jitters. While everyone has different methods of combating academic stress, CAPS identified some universal techniques backed by research that anyone can use.

The Week Ahead (November 12-18)

Whether you’re researching your housing options for next year or looking to enjoy some quality art, there’s an event happening somewhere on campus that’s perfect for you!