Title: Assistant Director of Social Justice Education
Department: Campus Inclusion & Community
Where are you from? Madison, WI
What brought you to Student Affairs? I am so grateful for the opportunity to create spaces for connection, creativity, and transformation where students of all identities can thrive. Student Affairs is such a unique and powerful context for supporting students in feeling seen, heard, and valued while equipping them with tools and relationships that will serve them long after they leave campus. I was particularly excited to join the team within Campus Inclusion & Community at Northwestern because of the commitment to justice and identity exploration.
How many years have you worked in Student Affairs at Northwestern? 0
What’s your favorite part about working in Student Affairs? Across institutions I’ve found that the most rewarding part of my work in Student Affairs has been the relationships formed with students as they awaken and find their way. I am so moved by watching students evolve and make meaning of their experiences in community. Social Justice Education is a way to invite everyone on campus to imagine new possibilities for themselves and the world, and it’s a beautiful task to be charged with.
What recommendation(s) do you have for someone new to Student Affairs? Take care of yourself. Practice boundaries, schedule self-care into your day, ask for help, speak up for what matters to you, and let the rest fall away. There will always be more students, more to do, challenges, and problems to solve…but there is only one you.
Who or what has had the greatest influence on your career? The love and support of my family, mentors, and colleagues who have become dear friends. These people remind me every day of my blessings, my gifts, and what’s truly important. They help me feel grounded, encourage me to take up more space, and challenge me to be a better human in the world.
What inspires you?
Gracious, humble truth-tellers practicing vulnerability.
People who push boundaries and invite new possibilities through art, community, and activism.
The tiny humans in my life that model wonder, delight, and play.
Joy and hope multipliers.
Travel and trying new things.
What can’t you live without? Art supplies, my mindfulness practice, iced mochas, and 90’s R&B.
How do you like to spend your free time? I love watching Netflix, playing with my pets, being an auntie, listening to music and true crime podcasts, traveling to places I’ve never been, baking, and going on adventures with friends and family.
What’s your favorite spot on campus? I visited campus in the Fall and loved the Deering Library’s south garden, particularly the statue “Diana of the Chase”. I love learning about mythology and Diana’s symbolism and stories were a part of my graduate research as an Art Therapist. I learned that particular statue was created by a woman, Anna Hyatt Huntington, in 1922. I’m excited to spend more time in the green spaces as the weather warms up and learn more about the art and history on campus.
Each week a different staff member in the division of Student Affairs will be featured. Staff can opt in to be featured, by filling out the Staff Spotlight Submission form. Student Affairs Marketing staff reach out to staff from across the division asking for participation. The spotlights will be featured in the Student Affairs Snapshot e-newsletter.