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The Best Valentine’s Day You’ll Ever Have™ (feat. Norris Center)

Let’s play a game. What’s the first thing you think of when I say “romance”?

I know what you’re thinking. Norris Center at Northwestern University! That’s what I was thinking too. Nothing makes the sparks fly more than a nice cup o’ joe from Norris Starbucks and stunning views of University Library. Is there a better place in the world to celebrate Valentine’s Day? I think not. But in all seriousness, Norris is the best wingman you could’ve ever hoped for- and I bet you never even realized it. So if you, like me, are looking to spend every second possible of the most romantic day of the year at Norris, I got ya covered with the exact schedule you need to follow to plan The Best Valentine’s Day You’ll Ever Have™.

Stage One: Get to the Norris ice rink at precisely noon. You need to be literally the first people there or else your entire date has already been ruined. This way the ice will still be pristine, which means you can gaze lovingly at the reflection of your date. And since the ice will be extra slippery, you can fall and use the cheesy line, “Looks like I’m falling for you!” Works every time. Also, last time I went to the ice rink I saw a dog, and not a single good date has ever happened without seeing a dog.

Stage Two: You will inevitably need to thaw out a bit after skating, so I recommend hitting up Norris Starbucks for a seasonal Valentine’s drink and lurking until you can snag an egg chair. If “Egg Chair and Chill” has not yet been trademarked, consider this to be me officially claiming it as my own. You can’t use it.**

Stage Three: Now that you’re definitely feeling festive, head down to the basement to channel all of that energy into creating an ARTica masterpiece together. This is the ultimate test of if you two are meant to be together. Not everyone can be Picasso, but the best people are the ones that will smile and pretend what you made for them is stunning. Or they’ll make fun of you mercilessly for your pure lack of talent. Either way, they seem like a keeper. (Bonus activity: The Thursday before The Best Valentine’s Day You’ll Ever Have™, ARTica is hosting Love Cafe where you can paint mugs for free! Definitely hit that up to get the festivities started early. Also, they’ll have cupcakes. SCORE.)

Stage Four: Once you’re frustrated from trying to make a mug that actually looks halfway decent, swing by Dittmar Gallery to see some real art. Read up on it beforehand so you can blow away your significant other with fun facts about the gallery. Knowledge is sexy and will also make you look like a more cultured person.

Thus concludes The Best Valentine’s Day You’ll Ever Have™. I know you probably won’t want this magical day to end, so feel free to continue with a romantic dinner at Subway or a Mario Cart marathon in the Game Room. Moral of the story: Norris + Valentine’s day = fire emoji. Good luck out there, Wildcats. You’ve got this.

**Disclaimer: SAM does not support excessive PDA, even if it is Valentine’s Day. That’s gross.