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Staff Spotlight: Heather Solov-St. Martin

Name: Heather Solov-St. Martin

Title: Residential Life Program Manager

Department: Residential Services

Where are you from?  Plano, TX

What brought you to Student Affairs?  I fell in love with Student Affairs as an undergraduate student at SMU trying to figure out what I was going to do after graduating. I met with mentors, got heavily involved, and the rest is history! I loved the idea of being able to have a positive impact on the experience of undergraduate students, just as everyone I interacted with did for me. I’ve been at Northwestern now for a little over 5 weeks, and I’m excited to continue this work that I’m so passionate about!

What’s your favorite part about working in Student Affairs?  Working with students is always new, challenging, and exciting. I get so much joy from helping students make meaning out of their experiences, knowing that the skills they learn while in college are going to carry them into their futures. I also love getting to work with so many unique people that share the same passion of student learning and experience that I do.

What recommendation(s) do you have for someone new to Student Affairs?  While the work we do is definitely important, we can’t continue giving our best to students if we don’t do the same for ourselves. It’s important to model healthy behaviors and work/life balance to students, especially when they’re high achieving like Northwestern students. And don’t forget to laugh! Sometimes the work we do is absolutely hilarious and it’s those times, laughing with your coworkers, that you’ll always remember and will help you through harder times.

Who or what has had the greatest influence on your career?  I’ve been lucky to have had some amazing mentors and supervisors who have challenged me, supported me, and shown me what it means to be a great student affairs professional. Without them, and the amazing education I received from my graduate program and professors, I wouldn’t have found this passion.

What can’t you live without?  Good food, good friends, my family, my cat, and a cozy blanket with a movie.

How do you like to spend your free time?  When time allows, I love traveling the world with my husband. It’s always fun to explore a new place and make new memories. We have multiple countries in our bucket list that we’re eager to cross off! I’m also a total movie-goer, love exploring local restaurants, breweries, and festivals.

What’s your favorite spot on campus?  I love the views of the lake front from Norris, and I’m excited to find some outdoor spots (once it’s a bit warmer that is!)

Each week a different staff member in the division of Student Affairs will be featured. Staff can opt in to be featured, by filling out the Staff Spotlight Submission form. Student Affairs Marketing staff reach out to staff from across the division asking for participation. The spotlights will be featured in the Student Affairs Snapshot e-newsletter.

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