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Staff Spotlight: Viviana Matthews

Name: Viviana Matthews

Title: Senior Developer

Department: Student Affairs IT

Where are you from? I was born and raised in Valdivia, Chile. I moved to Chicago 14 years ago.

What brought you to Student Affairs?
Prior to coming to Northwestern, I was working for another university in the central IT department. Northwestern’s reputation and focus on student and employee care were appealing to me. I didn’t have experience in Student Affairs and didn’t really know what to expect. After 3 years, I really feel that this is the best place for me. My role at Student Affairs IT allows me to apply my engineering skills yet, still talk to people on a daily basis and see how my work improves their experiences.

How many years have you worked in Student Affairs at Northwestern? 3

What’s your favorite part about working in Student Affairs?
I really like that we are always having meaningful conversations. Student Affairs is beyond academics and I have learned a lot about diversity, inclusion and about what kind of problems are affecting the younger generations.

What recommendation(s) do you have for someone new to Student Affairs?
I would recommend to volunteer whenever possible for the main university events. I specially enjoy Wildcat Welcome and Commencement, because I get to interact with parents. I love to see how proud they are of their kids.

Who or what has had the greatest influence on your career?
My mother. She didn’t instill negative stereotypes in me, so I always felt that I could be whatever I wanted to be.

What inspires you?
Leaving things better than when I found them. Leaving people happier than when I met them.

What can’t you live without?
Besides my family, friends, dogs, music and apples … my bike.

How do you like to spend your free time?
I like spending time with family and friends. When the weather allows it, I enjoy biking and/or walking. I also really love music and good food.

What’s your favorite spot on campus? The Lakefill, of course!

Each week a different staff member in the division of Student Affairs will be featured. Staff can opt in to be featured, by filling out the Staff Spotlight Submission form. Student Affairs Marketing staff reach out to staff from across the division asking for participation. The spotlights will be featured in the Student Affairs Snapshot e-newsletter.

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