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Month: May 2018

Meet Queasy Clark!

Hey there, the name’s Clark! Better known as Queasy Clark back in the day, but that’s long behind me. After one squeamish Dillo too many, I’ve learned my lessons the hard way.

Waa-Mu Show Gives Students a One-of-a-Kind Experience

Every year, the Waa-Mu Show, one of Northwestern’s oldest traditions, gives students the opportunity to learn about writing for musical theatre through hands-on experience. By the time the process is complete, over 150 students will have been involved in the creation of this entirely student written show, whether by joining the cast, the writing team, or the executive board.

Commemoration Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Bursar’s Office Takeover

Fifty years ago, Northwestern was forever changed. In an effort to diversify Northwestern’s historically white campus, admissions had begun to recruit more Black students. Instead of the less than 50 Black students enrolled in 1966, Black student enrollment was up to 160 in 1968. Despite this small victory, Black students on campus were still treated unfairly. They faced racial violence and discrimination, and they knew they weren’t receiving the resources and support from the University that they could be.

After months of one-on-one meetings with administrators, Black students saw very little change in their conditions on campus. They knew it was time to do something bigger. 

We Tried CAPS Drop-In Meditation, and Here’s What We Thought

Classes, relationships, extracurriculars… there’s no end to the stress Northwestern students face in their daily lives. Don’t we all wish we had time to sit back and relax? Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers Drop-In Meditation Groups for exactly that purpose. We at Student Affairs Marketing decided to experience it for ourselves by attending one of these sessions.