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Month: December 2017

Faculty-in-Residence Making Wellness an Elder Tradition

The end of the quarter means Northwestern students get to go home and see family soon, but it also means the culmination of three months of classes and learning. It’s a fast-paced and busy time, and students often feel anxious or even overwhelmed. Elder’s Faculty-in-Residence, Jake Smith and Freda Love Smith have seen it all before.

North Campus Residents Take a Breather from Finals

It’s the Tuesday of Weinberg College’s reading week, a time when many Northwestern students huddle in the library to prepare for a gauntlet of final exams, papers, and projects. But 560 Lincoln Residence Hall’s ground floor is buzzing as students go from table to table, eating healthy study snacks (including fresh fruit, a yogurt bar and individual hummus and almond butter cups), playing games, crafting, and winning prizes. The lights are bright, the music is cheery, and the atmosphere is all about relaxation. This is how Northwestern students living on campus relieve stress during the busiest time of the quarter.

Sunday Brings Rest and Fun for Residential Hall Communities

On Sundays, students often find themselves cramming in homework due Monday morning and catching up on chores and errands they neglected during the weekend. But on certain Sundays, Medill junior Allison Ledwon, an RA in Shepard Hall, mingles with residents from her floor and from across the Shepard/1838 Chicago Residential Community, giving out the two things every college student wants: prizes and free food.