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Religious & Spiritual Life Promotes Inclusivity for Interfaith Month

This April is Wildcat Interfaith Month, which offers students an opportunity to share how their religious or spiritual identities inform their worldview. It is also a time where students from diverse backgrounds come together to listen, understand, and respect each other’s perspectives.

To celebrate, Religious & Spiritual Life will host an Interfaith Passover Seder at 6:00 p.m. on April 5 in Parkes Social Hall. Also in Parkes Social Hall, on April 20 at 6:00 p.m., don’t miss the second annual Wildcat Langar, where students will enjoy a vegetarian meal and learn about the Sikh tradition of service to humanity. Finally, Soul Sounds: An Interfaith Concert will feature music and artistic expressions from various traditions on April 23 at 3:00 p.m. in Alice Millar Chapel.

In the spirit of Wildcat Interfaith Month, Religious & Spiritual Life is also excited to announce that a task force has recently convened to repurpose Parkes 204 as a Multi-Belief Space. This addition to the Religious Center will accommodate students’ ever-increasing need to have a dedicated, neutral space for religious ritual, communal prayer, or contemplation.

Creating this space provides support to our entire community but is especially important for those who may not have their own physical space, like Buddhists, Sikhs, Muslims, Native Americans, and more. This kind of space encourages the rapport, development of relationships, and dialogue between belief systems which may not happen in other places on campus. It will be an open and welcome place for all, and the task force is excited to make it a reality with the help of our entire community.

RSL would like the community to consider helping them achieve this goal by donating to Catalyzer and sharing the fundraising page via social media or email. In honor of this year’s graduating class, they ask that you consider making a gift of $20.17; however, every gift will go a long way towards creating this important resource for underserved communities on our campus.