My research mainly concerns hyperbolic flows, particularly the knot-theoretic properties of their periodic orbits. I’ve recently also been thinking about automorphism groups in symbolic dynamics, and the effects of Ricci flow on the dynamics of geodesic flows.
- Distribution of periodic orbits in the homologous group of a knot complement (joint with R. Sharp), Geom. Dedicata 218, 75, 2024.
- Helicity, linking and the distribution of null-homologous periodic orbits for Anosov flows (joint with R. Sharp), Nonlinearity 36, 21-58, 2023.
- Vassiliev invariants and writhe for periodic orbits of Axiom A flows, arXiv:2401.07940, 2024.
- How to hear the shape of a billiard table (joint with A. Calderon, D. Davis, J. Lanier, A. Oliveira), arXiv:1806.09644, 2018.
On the distribution of periodic orbits and linking numbers for hyperbolic flows, University of Warwick, supervised by R. Sharp.