The ENERGY BARRETTE project investigates the multiphysical behavior of energy barrettes: innovative underground structures that function as shallow geothermal heat exchangers for providing renewable heating and cooling to tall buildings.

The project integrates experimental and computational simulation techniques to unravel essential aspects of the behavior of energy barrettes: on the one hand, the influence of operating conditions on the amount of thermal energy that can be harvested from the ground; on the other hand, the impact of thermal loads associated with a geothermal operation on the mechanical response of such foundations.
The results of this project will advance the current knowledge in mechanics and energy, and contribute to understanding and predicting the behavior and performance of energy barrettes for their future massive application worldwide.

Project team

Alessandro F. Rotta Loria
Assistant Professor

Youssouf Lebbar
M.S. Student

Nicolas Richard
M.S. Student

Project team

Alessandro F. Rotta Loria
Assistant Professor

Youssouf Lebbar
M.S. Student

Nicolas Richard
M.S. Student

In collaboration with

Journal publications

→ Rotta Loria, A. F., Ravera, E. and Laloui, L. (2023) Thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior of energy barrettes: field experiments and numerical simulations. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 34: 100451.
→ Rotta Loria, A. F., Richard, N. P. and Laloui, L. (2022) Analytical analysis of barrette foundations subjected to mechanical and thermal loads. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 32, December 2022: 100333.