We re-orient because we must.  Moving towards our destiny means leaving something back. This mixed-media|live-processing performance combines soundscaping, VR explorations, dance performance, projection mapping and storytelling to craft an immersive experience of Black thought and Black wonderment.

Afrofuturism.  Afropessimism.  the sore loser.  Becoming..

The quartet of artists each contribute from electronic workstations into a central area of discovery, as an audience witnesses from a three-sided periphery.  How do four artists contribute to a shared making of sound, light, projection, text, dance?  How will they bring their expertise near each other in an unusual assembly of technologically-enhanced revelations?  The work emerges from an archive of possibilities assembled in the wild contours of the imagination set free to dream...

Black Queer Life as sourcecode for imagining the collective futures we share …