Lénablou/Lafabri’k: A Laboratory of Dance and Expression through Movement

Artist Talk with
Léna Blou
Thursday, April 13, 2023| 5:00-6:00 PM CDT (virtual & in-person)
Louis Hall – Room 226 | 1877 Campus Drive, Evanston
In the 1990s, Léna Blou undertook a lengthy didactic analysis of Gwoka dances, resulting in the development of a new physical technique (Techni’ka) and the emergence of the concept of Bigidi, as defined in my book Techni’ka (published by Editions Jasor in 2005, and revised and augmented in 2021). Her SLIPPAGE performance/talk continues the investigation of the transmission of Techni’ka and of Bigidi.
Léna’s SLIPPAGE presentation is part of a wide spectrum of US activities in Houston and Chicago.
Her presentation will be live-streamed as part of her Villa Albertine residency.