Team meetings for the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) and SEDMv2 are going to be hosted by Northwestern University this October. Given the close relationship between these two projects, the meetings will be held back to back from October 18 - 21. The ZTF and SEDMv2 meetings are open to members of each respective collaboration. While the teams will discuss past successes, the primary purpose of these meetings is to plan for and execute future discoveries. The SEDMv2 team meeting will summarize the current status of the instrument and its successful installation on Kitt Peak. Team members will also collaborate to identify mutually beneficial science between the different SEDM partners. The ZTF team meeting will be focused on developing a survey strategy that will produce the highest impact results from the last ~12 months of ZTF-II operations.
The final day of the ZTF team meeting (Friday, October 21) will be open via invitation to discuss "Time-domain astronomy with small aperture telescopes in the Rubin era" (all ZTF team members are invited to this one day discussion based workshop). The aim of this meeting is to bring together researchers in time-domain astronomy to discuss potential strategies and synergies for different small aperture facilities once Rubin begins routine operation. The meeting will be primarily focused on discussion, with the aim of developing new plans (complementing and competing with Rubin) using small telescopes.
Application Deadline - Friday September 23, 2022
*only open to invited individuals and collaboration members
Remote participation is offered on a shared risk basis (unstable WiFi in the meeting venue may prevent a consistent broadcast via zoom).
Social Events Wednesday night – ZTF welcome reception at CIERA
5 pm - cocktail hour
6 pm - Chicago deep dish pizza dinner
A block of rooms has been arranged at the Hilton in downtown Evanston at a rate of $125/night + taxes.
Rooms are available Monday through Friday night. The deadline for bookings is September 22.