As a digital native, the only world I have known is one with internet.
To imagine a time before that technology is unimaginable and almost unnatural (even as internet penetration has not seeped all over the world).
I was researching women in science and technology as that’s what I wanted to focus on this week. It was then that I discovered a most interesting character in Hedy Lamarr.

A 1940s actress, Lamarr is also credited for her contributions that led to the creation of WiFi.
As I looked for information about Lamarr’s work, I found out about the American Innovations podcast. I started listening to the episode on her life and work, which is one of most amazing stories I have heard.
Lamarr’s story is about more than a pretty face; it’s about an inventor and a passionate innovator and it’s about how that second part was left behind, just as with several women in history before her (and after). But that’s for another post, maybe. Here, I want to reflect on the podcast, and on Lamarr.
Even as the 46-minute run feels too little given the impact of Lamarr’s work, this episode is a great listen and a better learning experience.
So, if you haven’t already, go ahead and listen!